These are the exercise files used for Python GUI Development with Tkinter Trainings course.
The course outline can be found in
Topic 1 Get Started on Flask API
- What is Flask?
- Request Response Cycle
- Create a Simple Flask API
- Debug Mode
- Routing
- Testing the API on Postman
Topic 2 Returned Data from API
- JSON Format
- Jsonify the Data
- HTTP Methods and Status Code
- Add Status Code to the Data
- Variable Rules
- Test Out URL Rules on Postman
Topic 3: Working with Database
- Database
- ORM and SQLAlchemy
- Define Table and Data
- Serialize Data with Marshmallow
Topic 4: API Security
- Create a Register Form
- Login
- Authentication with JSON Web Token (JWT)
Topic 5: Read, Create, Update and Delete
- Read Data
- Add Data
- Update Data
- Delete Data