This is a seed project for Scalatra with Flyway for migrations and Anorm for db access. Steps to start a local server:
docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d -p3306:3306 mysql:5.7
mysql -uroot -h localhost --protocol tcp -proot
create database PUBLIC
gradle mapprun
Try it out with http://localhost:8080/ScalatraSeed/dragons
You can also run the test suite with ./
. This will execute both 'unit' tests against the models and 'integration' tests against the HTTP endpoints.
This seed is equipped with easy environment switching. These system properties are configurable:
- dbUrl - jdbc string your application will use to connect to your database
- dbUser - username your application will use to connect to the database
- dbPassword - password your appliaction will use to connect to the database
- flyway.url - jdbc string that flyway will use during migrations
- flyway.user - username for flyway
- flyway.password - password for flyway
There is also a Docker file. To create and run a docker image perform these steps:
gradle war
docker build .
docker run -it -p8080:8080 -eDBURL=<jbdc url> -eDBUSER=root -eDBPASSWORD=password <container id>
Check out the
file to see what environment variables you can pass in to your docker container.