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BTC Map website

Netlify Status

PR's, issues and feature requests welcome

Tech stack

  • sveltekit
  • tailwindcss
  • leafletjs
  • openstreetmap
  • localforage
  • chartjs
  • d3-geo
  • marked
  • dompurify
  • yarn
  • prettier
  • axios
  • vite
  • fontawesome
  • lottie
  • opencage

(see package.json for full list)

Getting started

  1. git clone the repo and cd into the directory
  2. run yarn to install the packages
  3. yarn dev will open the app on localhost:5173
  4. after making edits run yarn format to format the files

NOTE: BTC Map uses the latest LTS version of node. If you have NVM, you can simply run nvm use in the root directory of the repo to switch to the supported node version.


This website is a progressive web app, meaning you can install it on your mobile device and use it like a native application. Just look for the Add to home screen or Install option in your browser while visiting


For information on how to embed the BTC Map web map onto your own website or application please reference our Wiki.


Thanks to:

Base map tiles

  • OpenStreetMap (OpenStreetMap, OpenStreetMapDE, OpenStreetMapFR)
  • OpenTopoMap (Topo)
  • ESRI (Imagery)
  • Stamen (Terrain, Toner, Toner Lite, Watercolor)
  • Stadia (Alidade Smooth, Alidade Smooth Dark, Outdoors, OSM Bright)


Tagger profile badges by AndrejCibik

Satoshi nakamoto icons created by Vitaly Gorbachev - Flaticon
