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general function for logistic regression with two predictors (e.g. Chla ~ TN_load + temp)
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milesmedina committed May 8, 2024
1 parent bad29ac commit 0abcc1a
Showing 1 changed file with 150 additions and 0 deletions.
150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions R/logistic.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@


# define logistic modeling function
# Arguments:
# wqdat, loaddat dataframes containing water quality and loading data
# y response variable (e.g. Chla), from wqdat dataframe
# x1 first predictor (e.g. TN load), from loaddat dataframe
# x2 second predictor (e.g. temperature), from wqdat dataframe
# ytarget numeric target for response variable (e.g. 9.3 mg/l chlorophyll)
# xtarget vector of numeric target(s) for predictor x1 (e.g. 100 tons TN load)
# qnt quantile(s) to plot for predictor x2 (numeric vector in [0,1])
# wqloc water quality sites in wqdat$site to include
# plot logical, displays plot if TRUE
logim <- function( wqdat, loaddat,
y, x1, x2,
ytarget, xtarget,
qnt, wqloc,
plot = TRUE ){

# join wq and load data
wqsub <- wqdat |>
filter(param %in% c(y, x2)) |>
value = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE ),
.by = c(date, param) ) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = param, values_from = value)
wqsub$date <- wqsub$date |> floor_date('month')

loadsub <- loaddat |>
select( c('date','param','value') ) |>
pivot_wider( names_from = param, values_from = value )

tomod <- inner_join( wqsub, loadsub, by = 'date' ) |>
setNames( c('date','y','x2','x1') ) |>
mutate( bin = ifelse( y > ytarget, 0, 1 ) ) |>

y.unit <- wqdat$unit[ which(wqdat$param==y) ] |> unique()

# logistic model for probability of attaining Chla target
mod <- glm( bin ~ x1 + x2,
data = tomod, family = 'binomial' )

# get model prediction grid and predictions
toprd <- expand_grid(
x1 = seq( 0, max(tomod$x1), length.out = 100 ),
x2 = c( quantile( tomod$x2, qnt ), mean(tomod$x2) )
prds <- predict( mod, type = 'response',
newdata = toprd, = TRUE )
toplo <- toprd |>
prd = prds$fit,
hival = prds$fit + 1.96 * prds$,
loval = prds$fit - 1.96 * prds$,
x2 = factor( x2, labels = c( paste0(qnt*100,'th %ile'), 'mean' ),
levels = unique(x2) )

# get lines to highlight probabilities with a given TN load
trgs <- expand_grid(
x1 = xtarget,
x2 = c( quantile(tomod$x2, qnt), mean(tomod$x2) )
lnprds <- predict(mod, type = 'response',
newdata = trgs, = T)
tolns <- trgs |>
prd = lnprds$fit,
hival = lnprds$fit + 1.96 * lnprds$,
loval = lnprds$fit - 1.96 * lnprds$,
x2 = factor( x2, labels = c( paste0(qnt*100,'th %ile'), 'mean' ),
levels = unique(x2) )

# plot
p <- ggplot( toplo, aes( x = x1,
y = prd,
fill = x2,
color = x2,
group = x2)) +
geom_ribbon( aes( ymin = loval, ymax = hival), alpha = 0.2 ) +
geom_line() +
geom_segment( data = tolns, aes(x = x1, xend = x1,
y = 0, yend = hival),
linetype = 'dashed', inherit.aes = F ) +
geom_segment( data = tolns, aes( x = 0, xend = x1,
y = loval, yend = loval),
linetype = 'dashed') +
geom_segment( data = tolns, aes( x = 0, xend = x1,
y = hival, yend = hival),
linetype = 'dashed') +
theme_minimal() +
theme( legend.position = 'top' ) +
labs( x = 'Monthly TN load (tons)',
y = paste0('Probability of attaining ',y,' target (',ytarget,' ',y.unit,')') ) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,1) )

p$labels$fill <- x2
p$labels$colour <- x2

# Display plot
if( plot ){
print( p )

# Assemble function arguments, data, and predicted values
inputs <- formals()
inputs$ytarget <- ytarget
inputs$xtarget <- xtarget
inputs$y <- y
inputs$x1 <- x1
inputs$x2 <- x2
inputs$wqloc <- wqloc
inputs$q <- qnt

return( list( plot = p,
model = mod,
probs = tolns,
args = inputs,
dat = tomod,
pred = toplo

} # // end logim()

# load data
load(file = here::here('data-clean/epcwq_clean.RData'))
load(file = here::here('data/loads.RData'))

# run models
mod.turb <- logim( wqdat = epcwq3, loaddat = loads,
y = "Chla", x1 = "TN load", x2 = "Turbidity",
ytarget = 9.3, xtarget = c(40),
qnt = c(0.95), wqloc = unique(epcwq3$site) )

mod.sal <- logim( wqdat = epcwq3, loaddat = loads,
y = "Chla", x1 = "TN load", x2 = "Sal_top",
ytarget = 9.3, xtarget = c(40),
qnt = c(0.95), wqloc = unique(epcwq3$site) )

mod.temp <- logim( wqdat = epcwq3, loaddat = loads,
y = "Chla", x1 = "TN load", x2 = "Temp_top",
ytarget = 9.3, xtarget = c(40),
qnt = c(0.95), wqloc = unique(epcwq3$site) )

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