Run reproducible networking and system experiments over a cluster following a simple experiment definition file, yet automatically generating many outputs and greatly assisting in the exploration phase of research. For instance, the following test file describes an iperf 2 experiment:
IPerf 2 Throughput Experiment
var_names={PARALLEL:Number of parallel connections,WINDOW:Window size (kB),THROUGHPUT:Throughput}
iperf -s
%script@client delay=1
//Launch the program, copy the output to a log
iperf -c ${server:0:ip} -w ${WINDOW}k -t $TIME -P $PARALLEL 2>&1 | tee iperf.log
//Parse the log to find the throughput
result=$(cat iperf.log | grep -ioE "[0-9.]+ [kmg]bits" | tail -n 1)
//Give the throughput to NPF through stdout
echo "RESULT-THROUGHPUT $result"
When launching NPF with:
npf --test examples/iperf.npf \
NPF will automatically produce the following graph. The configuration options enable you to change the graph type and many other options easily. check the wiki to see different graphs displaying the same data.
Experiment description files allow to define a serie of parameters, factors and levels (see here for a description of the possible definitions such as values, ranges, ...) for each experiment and report multiple metrics, for single observation and time series.
Finally, a graph will be built and statistical results may be computed for the experiment showing the difference between parameters, different software, or different versions of the same software.
Test files are simple to write, and easy to share, as such we encourage users to share their ".npf" scripts with their code to allow other users to reproduce their results and graphs.
NPF supports running the given test across a cluster, allowing to try your tests in multiple different configurations very quickly and on serious hardware.
In addition to the basic features described above, NPF supports:
- Generate scripts and configuration files with jinja template and manage the experiment across a cluster
- Collect metrics
- Repeat runs of the experiment
- Assist in initialization and cleanup
- Assistance in the experimental design by:
- Using a cache of the results to easily add more points to the experimental space.
- Using advanced space exploration techniques such as random sampling, space filling design, 2k or more
- Use online techniques such as zero-loss throughput search.
- Quickly find factors importance and interactions through automated statistics
- Build and deploy a software over a cluster
- Generates outputs of the experiment:
- CSV files
- Graphs of many types
- A jupyter notebook with the data and the code to generate a graph "ready to tweak"
- A one-page dynamic website allowing to play with the results or link from a paper
- Statistics such as the correlation matrix, feature importance or interaction of variables
- Running a regression test through the history of commits for a git repository.
- Watch a git repository for changes and automatically re-run multiple experiments to verify the performance did not decrease.
- Integrate with enoslib to directly reserve and deploy an experiment over multiple shared infrastructures.
The documentation is available on read the docs!
NPF is built using Python 3, and is published on pypi, so it can be installed with pip using:
pip3 install --user npf
At run-time, NPF uses SSH and can benefit from usage of sudo and NFS, see the run-time dependencies in the documentation for more information.
We provide a Dockerfile to use npf.
docker build --tag npf .
docker run -it npf npf ...
Your .npf test file is composed of a series of sections, as in the example given above. The sections describe the scripts to run, where to run them, what variables should be tested, what are their ranges, configuration parameters such as timeout or graph colors, etc. Each section is described in more detail in the "writing test script" documentation.
When launching NPF, you will also give the name of one or more repositories, which are files located in the repo
folder describing software to download, install and compile so everything is in place when your experiment is launched. They follow a format described in repo/ It can also be ignored using the local
fake repository.
Your test script will also define a few script roles, such as client
or server
as in the example above. When you actually launch your experiment, you must tell which machine (physical or virtual) will take the role. For simple cases, passing the address of a machine with the --cluster role=machine
will be enough. When you'd like to define parameters such as IPs and MAC addresses, you can define a cluster file that will describe details about each machine. See the cluster documentation for more details.
Have you read the writing tests documentation? Then, inspire yourself from the test script files in tests/
, and write your own!
We welcome merge requests for generic stuffs! But you can keep your files in your "experimentation" folder. Indeed, NPF will always look for a file first in "./repo" for repo files, "./modules" for modules, and "./cluster" for machine definition.