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Focal. Learn about digital photo editing and more in this photography community

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Focal is a place for photographers of all levels to learn and share digital photo editing workflows. Browse photos and use their raw files to share your editing process, or upload a photo of your own to see how other people would edit it. Learn how to use a variety of photo editing software, from technique to fine art.

Sharing raw images and sidecar files is an essential element of Focal. Working with original, uncompressed files gives people an opportunity to learn more about the cameras, lenses and editing software that enable modern digital photography. Learn more about the editing software you use and find out what can be done with other editors on Focal.


The /api directory contains a Flask app which handles connections to the database and hosts a GraphQL endpoint using SQLAlchemy and Graphene. The /web directory contains a Next.JS app that runs the website. These are both built as Docker images and ran with docker-compose alongside a PostgreSQL database and NGINX.

First time set up

To run Focal on your machine, you'll need a few things installed first:

  • Python 3
  • Node 12+
  • Docker
  1. Create a virtualenv and install Python dependencies with pip:
cd ./api
python3 -m venv ./.venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install Node dependencies and run an initial build to create directories:
cd ./web
npm install
npm run build
  1. Create a file named .env and make sure these variables are defined in it (the production file can be found 1Password):
# /.env

# You only need these in production:
  1. Enable BuildKit by setting these environment variables (only required for building the production web image):
  1. Append these lines to your hosts file or create DNS records locally for them (this is to ensure correct cookie handling in development):
# /etc/hosts

Now that you're set up, continue on below to start running a local instance.

Running a local instance

Build and start all services for local development:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev.docker-compose.yml up

Access the web app at and explore the data set at You can make modifications to the API server and web app in the /api and /web directories respectively.

Restart a container without stopping the whole cluster:

docker restart focal_api_1

Reload NGINX configuration (while running):

docker exec -it focal_proxy_1 sh -c "/etc/init.d/nginx reload"

Start an interactive session within the database container:

docker exec -it focal_db_1 psql focal -U focal_api

Production builds and deployment

  1. Use Docker Compose to create and test production images:
docker-compose up --build
# should generate images named focal_api and focal_web
  1. Tag and push verified images to the private Docker Registry (must be on VPN to resolve domain name):
docker tag focal_api
docker push
  1. Restart affected containers:
DOCKER_HOST="ssh://[email protected]" docker-compose pull && docker-compose up --detach

Managing dependencies

Dependencies are locally managed in development by directly running pip and npm commands. You do not have to stop or restart the app while in development mode when changing dependencies. In production, dependent modules are baked into images to ensure reproducibility.

For Python - Flask API server

To import a new dependency in the Flask app, use pip from the API directory (substituting flask for your dependency):

cd ./api
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip3 install flask
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

Make sure to commit the changes this made to the requirements.txt file.

If there is a new dependency added by someone else (or requirements.txt changed), you should run install again:

cd ./api
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

For Node - Next app server

To import a new dependency in the Next app, use npm from the web directory (substituting next for your dependency):

cd ./web
npm install -D next

Make sure to commit the changes this made to the package.json and package-lock.json files.

If there is a new dependency added by someone else (or package-lock.json changed), you should run install again:

cd ./web
npm install


Focal. Learn about digital photo editing and more in this photography community



