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CNN implementation for ASV using tensorflow.

Anti-Spoofing speech recognition classification (based on ASV2017 contest).


Python 2.7 or higher

  • Tensorflow Framework (build from source preffered)
  • SoundFile

    pip install SoundFile

  • Librosa

    pip install librosa

  • matplotlib

    pip install matplotlib

  • Tkinter

    sudo apt-get install pythonX-tk , where X is the needed python version 2,3


Create filter banks [windows from sound files] for each data set.

run settype, path

  • settype arg: 'train', 'dev', 'eval' for each dataset
  • path arg: path to where data set are

Filter Banks: are an alterantive way for sampling a signal and get usefull coefficients as features of the signal.

With this technique we sample the signal and group past,current and future windows with a specific sampling-period for the parts of the signal and build frames.These frames will be used to feed them in our CNN model.

Other feature extraction technique for sound signal is MFCC.

More infos:

Check projectDescription in Docs


In this project we implement a 10-layer CNN for classification of a speech file(.wav) into 2 classes (Genuine or Spoof)

  • We have up to 5 blocks, each block has 2 convolution + 1 max_pooling layer
  • Apply batch_normalization after each convolutional layer
  • We use up to 64 outputchannels per layer(instead of 256, that is proposed on vd10-fpad-tpad)..

  • Last is Dense layers (flatten, ReLU,softmax) :

More Infos about model:

see: VeryDeepCNN.pdf in docs/


All data are labeled with spoof or genuine. They also have taken with different methods and enviroments.

  • Train Set:
  • Dev Set:
  • Eval Set:

*see more : *


Still waiting for a decent GPU to train and test the model..

Because it's impossible to train and evaluate this model with a mid-range laptop's CPU

Soon It will be updated

We compare our results with those referred at

docs/ Kinnunen_2017_The_ASVspoof_2017_challenge_Assessing_the_limits_of_replay_spoofing_attack_detection.pdf

Usefull Links: