ERSN-OpenMC is a Graphical User Interface for OpenMC Monte Carlo particle transport simulation code, originally developed by Jaafar EL Bakkali & Tarek EL Bardouni, membres of Radiation and Nuclear Systems Group (ERSN; Equipe Radiations et Systèmes Nucléaires) at Faculty of Sciences Tetouan (Morocco).This java-based application has been created to provide a user-friendly human-computer interface using OpenMC Monte Carlo code as a neutrons transport calculation engine. This java-based application allows the creation/edition of separate mandatory XML files describing the geometry, the materials involved and the settings of a given OpenMC simulation. The creation/edition facility allows also the creation of optional xml files such as tallies (results of given simulation), plotting and CMFD (Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference) acceleration. The ERSN-OpenMC will help the OpenMC users to avoid hardcoding full content of those XML files when creating, editing its. In order to displaying the user application xml files in a more readable way; the syntax highlighter approach has been considered where the open source java library jsyntaxpane has been used as a default highlighter for those xml files.
1 - Getting ERSN-OpenMC application
For Ubuntu machines you need the following :
1. update the OS:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
2. install java 8 (not tested with java 9):
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
3. download the ERSN-OpenMC GUI from :
4. untar the archive and double-click on the extracted binary file to run it under java
Don't forget to change the permissions (chmod +x) of the contents of ./bin/scripts folder
5. then install the prerequisites andInstall the prerequisites first, then install openMC (you will be asked to enter the sudoer password)
2 - Creating new OpenMC project with ERSN-OpenMC application