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4 Handlers

Peter Taoussanis edited this page May 23, 2024 · 8 revisions

Signal handlers process created signals to do something with them (analyse them, write them to console/file/queue/db, etc.).

Included handlers

Telemere includes a number of signal handlers out-the-box.

Writing your own handlers is also often straight-forward, and PRs are very welcome for additions to Telemere's included handlers, or to Telemere's community resources.

It helps to know what people need! You can vote on additional handlers to add, ping me, or ask on the #telemere Slack channel.

Current handlers, alphabetically (see linked docstrings below for features and usage):

Name Platform Output target Output format
handler:console Clj *out* or *err* edn/JSON or human-readable
handler:console Cljs Browser console edn/JSON or human-readable
handler:console-raw Cljs Browser console Raw signals for cljs-devtools, etc.
handler:file Clj File/s on disk edn/JSON or human-readable
handler:open-telemetry-logger Clj OpenTelemetry Java client LogRecord
handler:postal Clj Email (via postal) edn/JSON or human-readable
handler:slack Clj Slack (via clj-slack) edn/JSON or human-readable
handler:tcp-socket Clj TCP socket edn/JSON or human-readable
handler:udp-socket Clj UDP socket edn/JSON or human-readable

Planned (upcoming) handlers:

Name Platform Output target Output format
handler:carmine Clj Redis (via Carmine) Serialized signals
handler:logstash Clj Logstash TODO

Configuring handlers

There's two kinds of config relevant to all signal handlers:

  1. Dispatch opts (common to all handlers), and
  2. Handler-specific opts

Dispatch opts

Handler dispatch opts includes dispatch priority (determines order in which handlers are called), handler filtering, handler middleware, a/sync queue semantics, back-pressure opts, etc.

See help:handler-dispatch-options for full info, and default-handler-dispatch-opts for defaults.

Note that handler middleware in particular is an often overlooked but powerful feature, allowing you to arbitrarily transform and/or filter every signal map before it is given to the handler.

Handler-specific opts

Handler-specific opts are specified when calling a particular handler constructor (like handler:console) - and documented by the constructor.

Note that it's common for Telemere handlers to be customized by providing Clojure/Script functions to the relevant handler constructor call.

See the utils namespace for tools useful for customizing and writing signal handlers.


The standard Clj/s console handler (handler:console) writes signals as strings to *out*/*err or browser console.

By default it writes formatted strings intended for human consumption:

;; Create a test signal
(def my-signal
    (t/log! {:id ::my-id, :data {:x1 :x2}} "My message")))

;; Create console handler with default opts (writes formatted string)
(def my-handler (t/handler:console))

;; Test handler, remember it's just a (fn [signal])
(my-handler my-signal) ; =>
;; 2024-04-11T10:54:57.202869Z INFO LOG Schrebermann.local examples(56,1) ::my-id - My message
;;     data: {:x1 :x2}

To instead writes signals as edn:

;; Create console which writes edn
(def my-handler
    {:output-fn (t/pr-signal-fn {:pr-fn :edn})}))

(my-handler my-signal) ; =>
;; {:inst #inst "2024-04-11T10:54:57.202869Z", :msg_ "My message", :ns "examples", ...}

To instead writes signals as JSON:

;; Create console which writes signals as JSON
#?(:clj (require '[jsonista.core :as jsonista]))
(def my-handler
        #?(:cljs :json
           :clj  jsonista.core/write-value-as-string)})}))

Note that when writing JSON with Clojure, you must provide an appropriate pr-fn. This lets you plug in the JSON serializer of your choice (jsonista is my default recommendation).

Handler-specific per-signal kvs

Telemere includes a handy mechanism for including arbitrary user-level data/opts in individual signals for use by custom middleware and/or handlers.

Any non-standard (user) keys you include in your signal constructor opts will automatically be included in created signals, e.g.:

  (t/event! ::my-id
    {:my-middleware-data "foo"
     :my-handler-data    "bar"}))

;; %>
;; {;; User kvs included inline (assoc'd to signal root)
;;  :my-middleware-data "foo"
;;  :my-handler-data    "bar"
;;  :kvs ; And also collected together under ":kvs" key
;;    {:my-middleware-data "foo"
;;     :my-handler-data    "bar"}
;;  ... }

These user-level data/opts are typically NOT included by default in handler output, making them a great way to convey data/opts to custom middleware/handlers.

Managing handlers

See help:handlers for info on handler management.

Managing handlers on startup

Want to add or remove a particular handler when your application starts?

Just make an appropriate call to add-handler! or remove-handler!.

Environmental config

If you want to manage handlers conditionally based on environmental config (JVM properties, environment variables, or classpath resources) - Telemere provides the highly flexible get-env util.

Use this to easily define your own arbitrary cross-platform config, and make whatever conditional handler management decisions you'd like.

Handler stats

By default, Telemere handlers maintain comprehensive internal info about their handling times and outcomes. See get-handlers-stats for more.

Writing handlers

Writing your own signal handlers for Telemere is straightforward, and a reasonable choice if you prefer customizing behaviour that way, or want to write signals to a DB/format/service for which a ready-made handler isn't available.

Remember that signals are just plain Clojure/Script maps, and handlers just plain Clojure/Script functions that do something with those maps.

Here's a simple Telemere handler:

(fn my-handler [signal] (println signal))

For more complex cases, or for handlers that you want to make available for use by other folks, here's the general template that Telemere uses for all its included handlers:

(defn handler:my-handler ; Note naming convention
  "Needs `some-lib`, Ref. <>.

  Returns a (fn handler [signal] that:
    - Takes a Telemere signal (map).
    - Does something with the signal.

    `:option1` - Option description
    `:option2` - Option description

    - Tip 1
    - Tip 2"

  ([] (handler:my-handler nil)) ; Use default opts (when defaults viable)
  ([{:as constructor-opts}]

   ;; Do option validation and other prep here, i.e. try to keep expensive work
   ;; outside handler function when possible.

   (let [handler-fn
         (fn a-handler:my-handler ; Note naming convention

           ;; Main arity, called by Telemere when handler should process given signal
            ;; Do something with given signal (write to console/file/queue/db, etc.).
            ;; Return value is ignored.

           ;; Optional stop arity for handlers that need to close/release resources or
           ;; otherwise finalize themselves during system shutdown, etc. Called by
           ;; Telemere when appropriate, but ONLY IF the handler's dispatch options
           ;; include a truthy `:needs-stopping?` value (false by default).
            ;; Close/release resources, etc.

         ;; (Advanced) optional default handler dispatch opts,
         ;; see `add-handler!` for full list of possible opts
         {:min-level  :info
          :rate-limit [[1 (enc/msecs :min 1)]]}]

     (with-meta handler-fn default-dispatch-opts))))

Example output

(t/log! {:id ::my-id, :data {:x1 :x2}} "My message") =>

Clj console handler

String output:

2024-04-11T10:54:57.202869Z INFO LOG Schrebermann.local examples(56,1) ::my-id - My message
    data: {:x1 :x2}

Cljs console handler

Chrome console:

Default ClojureScript console handler output

Cljs raw console handler

Chrome console, with cljs-devtools:

Raw ClojureScript console handler output

Clj file handler

MacOS terminal:

Default Clojure file handler output