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A tutorial/key for html

Made as i was learning it myself


Everything in html starts with a <> with a value inside, and most the time ends with a </> with a value after the /

Span = inline/short pieces of text, div = block
These are useful for mantainability, and assigning id's/classes.
They're not necessary but seperate code into multiple blocks which are easier to read\

Use a class for something that'll appear multiple times, id for something thatll appear once

The Basics


  • Paragraphs = <p> </p>
  • Dividers with ID = <div id='enteranamehere'>
  • Dividers with class = <div class='enteranamehere'>
  • Text = <h> </h>
  • Text Size = <h insertnumberhere> </h insertnumberhere> for text size, smaller = bigger, u can only use 1-6


  • Link <a href="">This is the phrase your link is displayed as</a>
  • Link - Opens in new tab = <a href="" target="_blank">This is the phrase your link is displayed as</a>
  • Linking to a File = <a href="see-below-info_path_to_file" target="_blank">This is the phrase your link is displayed as</a>
  • Image with Link = <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="INSERT-LINK-TO-IMAGE" alt="This is the phrase your link is displayed as"/></a>

Read if linking to a file
Use ./filename.filetype if the local file is in the same folder as the website.
Else use /folder/filename.filetype if its elsewhere.

Other stuff like images, videos, tables, bold text etc are listed below.


Before starting, we need to make sure the code is recognised as html

Put <!DOCTYPE html> on the first line
Also embed your code between:


  • Inside the html tags add a <head> </head> - this includes website metadata - refer to my metadata section for info (optional)

  • inside the head tags, or html tags if you chose not to include a head tag , place <body> </body> - this tag includes all your html code

So now your code should look like this:

      Insert the rest of your html code here now

Styling Html


<em> </em> for italic text. put this after <h> (which is text) to make the <h> text italic.

<h><em> italic text here </em> normal text here </h>

Bold Text

Similar to above just use <strong></strong>

Line Gaps (Breaks)

<br> for a break (gap between lines, as normal enters wont show in html) this does not need to be ended, just one <br> per gap wanted.


Inserting Images

<img src="link-to-image-here" />

To insert an image just enter the link to the image after "src=", or the the name of the file if the image is stored locally You do not need to end this tag with , since it has a / at the end inside the <>, it is considered -Self Closing-.

Invisible Image Descriptions

<img src="link-to-image" alt="image description here" />

Why is this important? If an image fails to load for a user, it'll at least show a description. For visually impaired people, a screen reader will read this image. And most importantly, many search engines will read the description and show to users when they search the term as search engines cannot see images.

Inserting Videos

unlike images, this needs to be closed/ended

<video src="link-to-video" width="number-here" height="number-here" controls>
  Video not supported

The text "video not supported", will only be shown if the video fails to load.


Unordered Lists - lists are displayed with bullet points

ul contains the list items. li is the list item

  <li> item 1 </li>
  <li> item 2 </li>

Ordered lists - lists are numbered

  <li> list item one </li>
  <li> list item two </li>


Table Rows


tr is a row, in the above example i've added two.

Tablet Cells

just add a <td> </td> inside your table row above place any wanted text inside the table cell


Linking to Certain Parts of the Same Website

Assign an id or div to whatever you want to link to. Example is below:

<p id="top">This is the top of the page!</p>

We've assigned an id to that paragraph\

Now we need to call it via a button

  <li><a href="#top">Top</a></li>

That list item will link to the #id when clicked. Href can be files, id's or links.


Tab Name

<title> tab-name-here </title>

Website Encoding

The website's "encoding" is simply the character set it uses, most the time this is utf-8, so if you're unsure either leave this or just use the below line

<meta charset="utf-8">

(meta tag does not need to be ended)

Search Engine Optimisation

Search engines rely on the below metadata, it will use these to display search results.

<meta name="description" content="website description here">
<meta name="keywords" content="tag1, search-term-tag2, word3">

Useful resources

Hardening - Reducing Bots: - has some pretty interesting methods on reducing bots. Swapping html attributes for example, which would have no effect on the user but confuse bots. Appending a #hash to the forms action url, etc.

Hardening - Reducing Bots: is also a new zero-interaction alternative to captcha that might be worth considering.

Hardening - ensuring chromium browsers dont keylog password fields: add spellcheck="false" to sensitive fields such as password input boxes. Else unless the user uses firefox, info would be in the hands of google/microsoft. Source:


a tutorial made as i learn html








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