This repository contains the demos of Syncfusion Blazor Components. This is the best place to check the controls to get more insight into the usage of APIs.
The following topics can help you to use the Syncfusion Blazor Components and run this application in your local.
- Requirements to run the demo
- How to run the demo
- Blazor Documentation
- Blazor Components Catalog
- License
- Support and feedback
NET 6 WebAssembly Workload / NET 8 WebAssembly Workload (For PDF Viewer Component)
Nodejs Version : 10.24.* or above
Clone the repository. This repository contains Blazor Server demos(.NET 6 and .NET 8), Blazor WASM demos(.NET 6 and .NET 8), Blazor Web App demos(.NET 8) and Blazor MAUI demos(.NET 8) project and solution files. This repository has Common, Blazor Server Demos, Blazor WASM Demos and Blazor Web App demos folders.
folder has solution and project files to run Blazor server demos.Blazor-WASM-Demos
folder has solution and project files to run Blazor WebAssembly demos.Blazor-WebApp-Demos
folder has solution and project files to run Blazor Web app(InteractiveMode Auto) demos.Blazor-MAUI-Demos
folder has project file to run Blazor MAUI demos(Android).- The Common folder contains all the common files (i.e., samples, static web assets, resources) which are applicable for Blazor Server demos(.NET 6 and .NET 8), Blazor WASM demos(.NET 6 and .NET 8) and Blazor Web App demos(.NET 8).
Open the command prompt from the demo's directory.
Run the demo using the following command.
To run .NET 6 Blazor Server Demos project
dotnet run --project Blazor-Server-Demos/Blazor_Server_Demos_NET6.csproj
To run .NET 8 Blazor Server Demos project
dotnet run --project Blazor-Server-Demos/Blazor_Server_Demos_NET8.csproj
To run .NET 6 Blazor WASM Demos project
dotnet run --project Blazor-WASM-Demos/Blazor_WASM_Demos_NET6.csproj
To run .NET 8 Blazor WASM Demos project
dotnet run --project Blazor-WASM-Demos/Blazor_WASM_Demos_NET8.csproj
To run .NET 8 Blazor WebApp Demos project(InteractiveMode Auto)
dotnet run --project Blazor-WebApp-Demos/Blazor_WebApp_Demos/Blazor_WebApp_Demos.csproj
- Open the solution file using Visual Studio.
- Press
Ctrl + F5
to run the demo.
Open the Visual Studio code from the demos directory where the project file is present.
Ensure the C# for Visual Studio Code extension is installed in your Visual Studio code before running the Blazor demos.
Ctrl + F5
to run the demo.
Syncfusion Blazor Components is available under the Syncfusion Essential Studio program, and can be licensed either under the Syncfusion Community License Program or the Syncfusion commercial license.
To be qualified for the Syncfusion Community License Program, you must have gross revenue of less than one (1) million U.S. dollars (USD 1,000,000.00) per year and have less than five (5) developers in your organization, and agree to be bound by Syncfusion�s terms and conditions.
Customers who do not qualify for the community license can contact for commercial licensing options.
You may not use this product without first purchasing a Community License or a Commercial License, as well as agreeing to and complying with Syncfusion's license terms and conditions.
The Syncfusion license that contains the terms and conditions can be found at
For any other queries, reach the Syncfusion support team or post the queries through the community forums.
To renew the subscription, click here or contact our sales team at
Don't see what you need? Please request it in our feedback portal.