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CLI utility for Sirius Custody

This utility can be used to initialize custody Guardian and Vault services. It can:

  • Generate custody configuration keys pair
  • Encrypt custody configuration with the public keys
  • Configure specified custody instance with the encrypted configuration


.Net 7.0 SDK is required in order to build and run Custody CLI

If you want to get git repository by ssh install Vim and OpenSSH, add ssh key to /tmp/key file and load it

chmod 400 /tmp/key && eval $(ssh-agent -s ) && ssh-add /tmp/key

Clone repository and run build

git clone [email protected]:swisschain/Sirius.Tools.CustodyCLI.git
cd Sirius.Tools.CustodyCLI
dotnet build

Go to the bin directory:

cd src/Sirius.Tools.CustodyCLI/bin/Debug/net5.0/

You can run commands now



Generates AES|RSA keys to the specified output file. This command can be used to generate Customer's keys pair or Guardian keys pair.

CustodyCli.exe generate -o|--out <key pair file name without extension> -t|--type <key type (aes|rsa)>

Example: CustodyCli.exe generate -o rsa_key -t rsa

Example: CustodyCli.exe generate -o aes_key -t aes


Encrypts the plain Guardian or Vault JSON configuration file with the custody configuration public key.

CustodyCli.exe encrypt -k|--key <Custody settings RSA public key file> -u|--url <Custody URL> -i|--in <Custody settings plain JSON file> -o|--out <Custody settings encrypted file>

Example: CustodyCli.exe encrypt -k guardian.publickey -i guardian.json -o guardian-encrypted.json Example: CustodyCli.exe encrypt -u http://localhost:5000/ -i guardian.json -o guardian-encrypted.json


Setups encrypted file to the given Guardian or Vault instance. Guardian or Vault configuration should be encrypted first with the encrypt command.

CustodyCli.exe setup -u|--url <Custody URL> -f|--file <Custody settings encrypted file>

Example: CustodyCli.exe setup -u http://localhost:5000/ -f guardian-encrypted.json

Initialize Guardian database

Initializes Guardian database. Creates required roles and DB. Both Vault and Guardian can use the same DB and user role.

CustodyCli.exe initguardiandb -c|--conn <DB connection string> -p|--upass <DB user password> [-d|--dbname <DB name. Default: custody>] [-g|--group <DB users group name. Default: sirius_users_group. Default: sirius_guardian_user>] [-u|--uname <DB user name>] [--connlimit <DB user connections limit. Default: 50>] [--dbconnlimit <DB connections limit. Default: -1>]

There are also optional parameters, see CustodyCli.exe initguardiandb --help for all options.

Example: CustodyCli.exe initguardiandb -c "Server=localhost;Database=postgres;Port=5432;User Id=admin;Password=admin;SSL Mode=Prefer;Root Certificate=cert.pem" -p "0123456789ABCdef"

Initialize Vault database

Initializes Vault database. Creates required roles and DB. Both Vault and Guardian can use the same DB and user role.

CustodyCli.exe initvaultdb -c|--conn <DB connection string> -p|--upass <DB user password> [-d|--dbname <DB name. Default: custody>] [-g|--group <DB users group name. Default: sirius_users_group. Default: sirius_vault_user>] [-u|--uname <DB user name>] [--connlimit <DB user connections limit. Default: 50>] [--dbconnlimit <DB connections limit. Default: -1>]

There are also optional parameters, see CustodyCli.exe initvaultdb --help for all options.

Example: CustodyCli.exe initvaultdb -c "Server=localhost;Database=postgres;Port=5432;User Id=admin;Password=admin;SSL Mode=Prefer;Root Certificate=cert.pem" -p "0123456789ABCdef"

Vault root key initialization

Initializes Vault root key while first start. Sends root key configuration to the Vault that starts the initialization process.

CustodyCli.exe initvaultrootkey -u|--url <Vault URL> -f|--file <Vault root key configaration json file>

There are also optional parameters, see CustodyCli.exe initvaultrootkey --help for all options.

Example: CustodyCli.exe initvaultrootkey -u http://localhost:5000/ -f vault-root-key-config.json

  "tenantName": "general",
  "threshold": 2,
  "rootKeyHolders": [
      "id": "9c970324e7c98d37dbc215666ae6c8c4336756177b208c6c2d7d2f58fae17dee",
      "name": "RKH 1"
      "id": "3dd412b6b2e6f9326fadecb11de960f31e942acd537fcb7b5f21be6204804043",
      "name": "RKH 2"
      "id": "eb421f2366dfec7c71333c00f1c5b777a0f9bd7e7ece26c5403723b0b4f6559a",
      "name": "RKH 5"

Vault root key rotation

Initializes new Vault root key parameters. Sends root key configuration to the Vault that starts the rotation process.

CustodyCli.exe rotatevaultrootkey -u|--url <Vault URL> -f|--file <Vault root key configaration json file>

There are also optional parameters, see CustodyCli.exe rotatevaultrootkey --help for all options.

Example: CustodyCli.exe rotatevaultrootkey -u http://localhost:5000/ -f vault-root-key-config.json

  "tenantName": "general",
  "threshold": 2,
  "rootKeyHolders": [
      "id": "9c970324e7c98d37dbc215666ae6c8c4336756177b208c6c2d7d2f58fae17dee",
      "name": "RKH 3"
      "id": "eb421f2366dfec7c71333c00f1c5b777a0f9bd7e7ece26c5403723b0b4f6559a",
      "name": "RKH 5"


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