This data is parsed directly (November 2020) from the Zürich city open data set "Fuss und Velowegnetz" (Pedestrian and Bicycle Path Network):
The category mapping for "map_velo" is as follows:
0=keine Route in der gedruckten Karte "Map Velo"
1=empfohlene Route
2=empfohlene Route Naturbelag
3=schnelle ergänzende Route
The count of objects per category
0 : 33,576
1 : 4,181
2 : 550
3 : 1531
5 : 31
6 : 21
There is no category 4!
Using the super jq command, each value for the property "map_velo" is split into a unique file.
For example:
cat taz_mm.tbl_routennetz.json |jq '.features |= map(select(.properties.map_velo == 6))' > map_velo_6.json
This data is licensed with CC0 by Stadt Zürich (very cool!)