⚠️ Please make sure you update to at least 1.6.0 before August 2023 ⚠️
This is the PDOK (formerly Nationaal Georegister) provider for the PHP Geocoder, which uses the PDOK Locatieserver v3 (Dutch). It can geocode addresses (not IP addresses) and reverse geocode coordinates.
Please note that this provider can only (reverse) geocode addresses in The Netherlands!
Via Composer
$ composer require swisnl/geocoder-php-nationaal-georegister-provider
PHP Geocoder is decoupled from any HTTP messaging client with the help of PSR-18 HTTP Client.
This requires another package providing psr/http-client-implementation.
To use Guzzle 7, for example, simply require guzzlehttp/guzzle
$ composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
// Create geocoder
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$geocoder = new \Swis\Geocoder\NationaalGeoregister\NationaalGeoregister($client);
// Geocode!
$query = \Geocoder\Query\GeocodeQuery::create(...);
$result = $geocoder->geocodeQuery($query);
Please see PHP Geocoder documentation for more information about using PHP Geocoder with this provider.
This provider accepts extra options in the constructor, or as query data. These options are directly passed to the Locatieserver, which accepts the following options:
Option | Description | Default | Customizable in this provider |
bq | Boost query | "type:gemeente^0.5 type:woonplaats^0.5 type:weg^1.0 type:postcode^1.5 type:adres^1.5" | yes |
df | Default field | - | yes |
fl | Field list | All fields used by this provider | no |
fq | Filter query | - | yes |
lat&lon | Latitude and longitude | Coordinates from \Geocoder\Query\ReverseQuery when reverse geocoding |
only for geocoding |
q | Search term | Text from \Geocoder\Query\GeocodeQuery when geocoding |
no |
rows | Amount of rows | Limit from query | no |
start | Page (starting at 0) | - | yes |
sort | Sorting | See Locatieserver documentation (Dutch) | yes |
wt | Format | JSON | no |
These options correspond with the options mentioned in the Locatieserver documentation (Dutch), which describes them in more detail.
Example using extra options:
// On the geocoder instance:
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$options = ['fq' => 'bron:BAG'];
$geocoder = new \Swis\Geocoder\NationaalGeoregister\NationaalGeoregister($client, $options);
// Or just once on the query:
$query = \Geocoder\Query\GeocodeQuery::create(...)->withData('fq', 'bron:BAG');
The geocoder returns a \Geocoder\Model\AddressCollection
which is a collection of \Geocoder\Model\Address
Example response (first \Geocoder\Model\Address
from collection) for query "3e Binnenvestgracht 23T1, Leiden" using this provider:
$address->getCoordinates() => \Geocoder\Model\Coordinates
$address->getLatitude() => 52.164203
$address->getLongitude() => 4.49202289
$address->getBounds() => null (unavailable)
$address->getStreetNumber() => '23T-1'
$address->getStreetName() => '3e Binnenvestgracht'
$address->getPostalCode() => '2312NR'
$address->getLocality() => 'Leiden'
$address->getSubLocality() => null (unavailable)
$address->getAdminLevels()->get(2)->getName() => 'Leiden'
$address->getAdminLevels()->get(2)->getCode() => '0546'
$address->getAdminLevels()->get(1)->getName() => 'Zuid-Holland'
$address->getAdminLevels()->get(1)->getCode() => 'PV28'
$address->getCountry() => 'Netherlands' (static)
$address->getCountryCode() => 'NL' (static)
$address->getTimezone() => 'Europe/Amsterdam' (static)
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
$ composer test
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
This package is Treeware. If you use it in production, then we ask that you buy the world a tree to thank us for our work. By contributing to the Treeware forest you’ll be creating employment for local families and restoring wildlife habitats.
SWIS is a web agency from Leiden, the Netherlands. We love working with open source software.