- To create an LED matrix - a 4x4x4 cube of LEDs
- 64 independently addressable LEDs
- Interfaces to our custom ECE lab board, driven by an Arduino Nano
- Button Press: Change between various pre-defined patterns/modes
- Dial Rotation: Change the update speed of the pattern
- LCD Output: Display the current pattern and update speed
As a test, each plane is given a location (row,column) and that plane is moved through all its locations. -
LED Test
All LEDs are turned on and then off one at a time by iterating through each r,c,p (row, col, plane) position. -
Lights up 4x4 squares on each plane, then rotates and lights up 4x4 squares on each column, then rotates and lights up 4x4 squares on each row. -
"Snakes" through the matrix -
Alternating checkerboard pattern on each plane, inverting every cycle.
Arduino Code
- Led_Cube.ino - Contains the "superloop" that handles all logic involving pattern selection and IO
- LedCubeData.h - Contains methods to interface with LED cube
- ButtonDebounce.h - Monitors and debounces button presses
- EncoderMonitor.h - Used to monitor encoder position
Simulation Code (Java)
- Matrix.java - This program mimics the methods contained in LedCubeData.ino to allow easier pattern development and debugging
- Pattern.java - Contains the patterns to be displayed
- PatternVisualizer.java - Converts pattern into a command-line-friendly format