Effectively bypass captive portals client-side via automatic authentication
The goal of CaptiveSense is to automatically detect, identify, and authenticate a client on networks that restrict access via captive portal.
Please note this project is very much a work in progress and really just a proof of concept at this point. This project exists because the guest WiFi at KFLL required clients reauthenticate every hour and I was really bored waiting for my flight.
Simple PyGui
Portal detection
Portal identification
Config overhaul
- Config manager
Authenticate client with a portal
- Electrum desktop GUI
- Selenium-based portal detection, identification, and authentication
- Support for user-specified credentials
- Authenticate on behalf of another client (Specify alternate MAC address)
- Support for 3rd party portal templates (from file or URL)
- VPN auto-connect after portal authentication
❤️ - Dedicated to institutions that obtrusively "protect" their networks and enforce arbitrary AUPs via captive portal.