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Passfile: End-to-End file encryption tool

(Japanese version)

Passfile is a simple file encryption/decryption web application that works in browser and no need any server functions. Passfile supports Public-key authenticated encryption. You don't need to worry about sharing password.

Public-key authenti.. what?

Sharing encryption key is not easy.
In Passfile,

  1. A recipient generates Public-Code and Secret-Code pair, then sending Public-Code to file sender.
  2. The sender encrypts files by the Public-Code, then sending encrypted file.
  3. The recipient can decrypt the encrypted file by Secret-Code.

It is like magic, no one can decrypt it if Public-Code and encrypted file are stolen.

The encryption library is TweetNaCl. Thanks.


Open here

Code Generation

Used by a recipient.
Generating Secret-Code and Public-Code pair. You only have to store the Secret-Code safe. Public-Code can be stolen. Just sharing it with a sender.
You can add passphrase it is RECOMMENDED. This protects when Secret-Code is compromised.


Used by a sender.
Encrypting files by Public-Code. You can add multiple files in a encrypted file.

No file size limit is made. It depends on devices. Normally up to 100MB is no problem.


Used by a recipient.
Decrypting a encrypted file by the Secret-Code and passphrase if you added.
After sharing files finished, you should delete Secret-Code. This protects if the encrypted file is compromised.