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Rotina de transações

Cada portador de cartão(cliente) possui uma conta com seus dados. A cada operação realizada pelo cliente uma transação é criada e associada a sua respectiva conta. Cada transação possui um tipo(compra á vista, compra parcelada, saque ou pagamento), um valor e uma data de criação. Transações de tipo compra e saque são registradas com valor negativo, enquanto transações de pagamento são registradas com valor positivo.

Setting up the project

Step 1

Rename the file .env.example to .env. This file contains the necessary environment variables for the project to run properly.

Step 2

Build the app and db containers

make app.setup

Step 3

Start db container

make db.up

Step 4

Execute migration

make migrate

Step 5

Run the app


Makefile commands

Command Description
app.setup Build all docker-compose dependencies Start app in dev mode
app.stop Stop app container
db.up Starts db container
migrate Executes database migrations
swagger Creates/updates swagger documentation
generate Creates/updates mock files
test Run tests
test-coverage Run testes and outputs coverage file




Here you can download the collection and import to the Postman client

Architecture and design decisions

In order to facilitate the development cycle, it was chosen to use reflex on the dev Dockerfile. This way, any changes made to source code can be tested imediatelly, without the need to rebuild the application.

With the intention to enable thorough testing and all the goodies of clean arch, the repositories and packages are referenced by their respective interfaces on the structs that make use of them.

The application is seperated in layers, this way any change in database, framework or any other external agent can be dealt with without major changes to the project.

As a dependency injection solution, the project uses uber-fx.

Project structure

├── api
│   ├── handler
├── cmd
├── docs
├── internal
│   ├── account
│   ├── transaction
├── migrations
├── pkg
│   ├── clock
│   ├── database
├── .env.example
├── .gitignore
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── go.mod
├── Makefile
└── reflex.conf