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A financial analysis and recommendation system leveraging LLMs to answer user input questions with real-time data.

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A financial analysis and recommendation system leveraging LLMs to answer user queries with real-time data. Intelligently selects which function to execute based on user input.


Required packages:

  • finnhub-python==2.4.20
  • Flask==3.0.3
  • requests==2.31.0
  • langchain-openai==0.1.8
  • langchain-core==0.2.7
  • pmdarima==2.0.4
  • yfinance==0.2.40
  • matplotlib==3.9.0
  • scikit-learn==1.5.0
pip install -r requirements.txt

Update (06/28/2024): Stock Forecasting with SARIMAX

  1. Download Stock Data: Fetch daily stock data in CSV format using the Alpha Vantage API. The data is cleaned and prepared by sorting, setting index, and forward-filling missing values.

  2. Load Exogenous Variables: Fetch S&P 500 Index and IRX (13-week Treasury bill rate) data using Yahoo Finance.

  • Exogenous variables can result in less optimistic prediction
  • Specifically, the IRX (13-week Treasury bill rate) is considered a risk-free rate and serves as a benchmark for the lowest possible return
  1. Predict Exogenous Values: Forecast the next 30 days of exogenous variables using linear regression models fitted on historical data.

  2. ARIMA Forecasting: Forecast stock prices using the SARIMAX model from the pmdarima library. The function automatically determines the best parameters for the model, fits the model with and without exogenous variables, and generates forecasts along with confidence intervals.

# Settings for exogenous variables
sarimax_kwargs = {
    'time_varying_regression': True,
    'enforce_stationarity': True,
    'enforce_invertibility': True
# Automatically determine the best SARIMA parameters using pmdarima
auto_model = pm.auto_arima(stock_data, seasonal=seasonal, m=frequency, 
                            D=1, stepwise=True, suppress_warnings=True, 
                            trace=True, **sarimax_kwargs)

model_fit =, X=exog_data if exog_data is not None else None)
forecast, conf_int = model_fit.predict(n_periods=forecast_periods, 
                                        X=forecasted_exog if forecasted_exog is not None else None, 
  1. Plot Forecast Results: Visualize the forecasted stock prices with and without exogenous variables, including confidence intervals, and save the plot as an image. (Step 5 is NOT enabled in server run)

  2. LLM Explanation: Use OpenAI's GPT-4 to generate an explanation of the forecasted stock prices.

  3. Sample Plot for Palantir/PLTR

Sample Plot

Getting Started: Configure API Keys and Model Name

Modify config.json with your API keys and selected LLM.

    "finnhub_api_key": "<your finnhub API key here>",
    "openai_api_key": "<your OpenAI API key here>",
    "GPT_MODEL": "<your LLM here>",
    "get_current_stock_price": "Stock Price Retriever",
    "get_company_news": "Company News Reporter",
    "earn_surprises": "Earning Surprises Retriever",
    "basic_fin": "Basic Financials Retriever",
    "general_faq": "General Financial Advisor"

OpenAI Function Calling with External APIs

See Tutorial

Utility Function Facilitating OpenAI Chat Completion Requests

# Chat completion functions
def chat_completion_request(messages, functions=None, function_call=None, model=GPT_MODEL):
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {config['openai_api_key']}",
    json_data = {"model": model, "messages": messages}
    if functions is not None:
        json_data.update({"functions": functions})
    if function_call is not None:
        json_data.update({"function_call": function_call})
        response =
        return response
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unable to generate ChatCompletion response")
        print(f"Exception: {e}")
        return e

Define Functions Invoking the Finnhub and ChatOpenAI API


  • get_current_stock_price: get current stock price
  • get_company_news: get company-related news
  • earn_surprises: get earnings surprises (quarter limit depends on Finnhub subscription tier)
  • basic_fin: get company basic financials
  • general_faq: general financial Q&A

functions_map: a lookup table that maps function names to their corresponding implementations, allowing the system to dynamically call specific functions based on LLM responses.

functions_map = {
    "get_current_stock_price": get_current_stock_price,
    "get_company_news": get_company_news,
    "earn_surprises": earn_surprises,
    "basic_fin": basic_fin,
    "general_faq": general_faq

Create function specifications for interacting with APIs

Example (earn_surprises):

    "name": "earn_surprises",
    "description": "It will get the company historical quarterly earnings surprise.",
    "parameters": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "company_name": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "This is the name of the company we want related news on.",
            "limit": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "Limit number of period returned. Leave blank to get the full history.",
        "required": ["company_name"],

Here, company_name is the only required parameter. Not specifying limit retrieves the full history (up to 4 quarters for free Finnhub subscription).

Chat Endpoint Description

The chat endpoint in the Flask application handles POST requests to facilitate interaction with OpenAI's ChatGPT model. It processes user input, generates responses using the ChatGPT model, and intelligently decides which of the 5 functions above to execute based on the model's output.

Retrieve user input to guide assistant behavior

user_input = request.json.get('user_input')

if not user_input:
    return jsonify({"error": "Invalid input"}), 400

# Initialize messages to guide assistant behavior
messages = [{"role": "system", "content": 
                "Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions. Ask for clarification if a user request is ambiguous."}]
messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input})

Call ChatGPT completion endpoint with error handling

chat_response = chat_completion_request(messages, functions=functions)

if isinstance(chat_response, Exception):
    return jsonify({"response": "An error occurred while generating the response from ChatGPT."})

try: # parsing ChatGPT response
    assistant_message = chat_response.json()["choices"][0]["message"]
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error parsing chat response: {e}")
    return jsonify({"response": "An error occurred while parsing the response from ChatGPT."})

Decide which function to execute based on LLM response

fn_name = assistant_message["function_call"]["name"] # extracts name of function based on user input and context
arguments = assistant_message["function_call"]["arguments"] # extracts function arguments
function = functions_map.get(fn_name)
if function:
        result = function(arguments)
        response_content = result
    except Exception as e:
        response_content = "An error occurred while executing the function."
    response_content = "Function not found.

Running the App

Navigate to the FinSense directory, then execute from terminal:


Web-based chat interface

Web Interface

Framework and Tools Used

Finnhub: FREE realtime API for stocks, forex and cryptocurrency.

LangChain: LangChain's interface for interacting with OpenAI's API.

Alpha Vantage: Alpha Vantage offers free stock APIs in JSON and CSV formats for realtime and historical stock market data, options, forex, commodity, cryptocurrency, and more.

Yahoo Finance: The Yahoo Finance API is a range of libraries/APIs/methods to obtain historical and real time data for a variety of financial markets and products.


A financial analysis and recommendation system leveraging LLMs to answer user input questions with real-time data.






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