🚀 iOS Bootcamp is conducted by Coderspace and Pazarama and taught by Atıl Samancıoğlu.
Day 1: Object Oriented Programming, Roman Converter App
Day 2: Singleton, Programmatic UI, TableView, CollectionView, Auto Layout
Day 3: Firebase, URLSession, CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager
Day 4: RxSwift, MVVM Architecture, URLSession, Struct vs Class, Reference vs Value Type, Mutating, Tuple, Guard let, Closure
Day 5: SwiftUI, async, await
Day 6: Unit Tests, UI Tests, Protocol Oriented Programming, Dependency Injection, Delegate Pattern
Group Project: Group project using PokeAPI 👉 https://github.com/sulekaptan/Pokemon
Final Project: Final project using OmdbAPI 👉 https://github.com/sulekaptan/MovieApp
👩💻 For the assignments I completed during bootcamp 👉 https://github.com/sulekaptan/Pazarama-iOS-Homeworks
App Screenshots