This is the inventory tracking system for the Labitat hackerspace in Copenhagen and now also the sudo room hackerspace in Oakland, California.
It is a web app written in lua, backed by a postgresql database, that prints stickers containing QR-codes and human readable text using an affordable Brother QL-570 thermal label printer.
Each item can have its own wiki page (on a wiki that is separate from this web app).
cd ~/
git clone
sudo mv labitrack /opt/labitrack
sudo apt-get install lua5.1 build-essential nodejs npm inotify-tools git pkg-config libpq5 libpq-dev postgresql-9.3 postgresql-contrib libpng12-0 libpng12-dev
cd /usr/bin
ln -s nodejs node
sudo npm install -g [email protected] uglify-js coffee-script lessc
cd ~/labitrack
git clone
cd ql570
cd ../
git clone
cd lem
sudo make install
cd ../
git clone
cd lem-postgres
sudo make install
cd ../
git clone
sudo su postgres
create user labitrack with password 'my_password';
create database labitrack;
grant all privileges on database labitrack to labitrack;
createlang -d labitrack plpgsql
psql labitrack < sql/labitrack.schema.sql
Before compiling, you will want to find and replace where sudoroom is mentioned, especially the places where is used, since that will be put into every QR-code generated.
You can always recompile if you change something:
make clean
First run:
chmod 750 labitrack/web/labitrackd.lua
Then in the file labitrack/web/labitrackd.lua change the line that looks like:
local pg_connect_str = 'host=localhost user=labitrack dbname=labitrack password=my_password'
setting the password to whatever you chose earlier.
cd labitrack/
mkdir -p queue/tmp
mkdir -p queue/new
Plug in the label printer (power and usb). It should appear as:
If it comes up as something else, then change the following line in
If you get an error where the printer blinks a red light when you attempt to print, try altering the command line option for the ql570 program in file. Changing the 'w' to an 'n' or vice-versa might fix the issue. Look at ql570/ for more info.
If you don't get any errors, everything is fine and dandy. Hit ctrl-c to exit.
This sections shows you how to run labitrack as a service that gets automatically restarted using psy.
First install psy:
sudo npm install -g psy
Then copy the upstart scripts to /etc/init.d:
sudo cp init/labitrack.initd /etc/init/labitrack
sudo cp init/labitrack-printloop.initd /etc/init/labitrack-printloop
If you are not running labitrack from /opt/labitrack then alter the paths in those scripts before proceeding.
Create the labitrack user:
adduser labitrack
Make it a member of the lp group so it can access the printer:
usermod -a -G lp labitrack
Set permissions:
chown -R labitrack.labitrack your/path/to/labitrack
Now start labitrack:
sudo /etc/init.d/labitrack start
sudo /etc/init.d/labitrack-printloop start
You can verify that labitrack is running by doing:
sudo /etc/init.d/labitrack status
Check again after a couple of minutes to ensure that labitrack isn't constantly restarting (watch to see if the PIDs change).