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Repository files navigation API

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dev master
CircleCI CircleCI


  1. Get a task on JIRA by talking to you teammates and looking at the sprint backlog.
  2. Create a new branch from the dev-branch, naming it using our branch naming strategy described below.
  3. Code away and commit often. Try to follow good commit practice. Remember to write tests (and run them).
  4. When you're done (see the "Definition of Done" below), create a pull request with reference to the JIRA-issue (preferably a link) and an overview of what the pull request is about. Await code review (you can tag people or yell for them on Slack to get your review faster).
  5. When you've reworked your code after the code review, the pull request will be merged.

Please note that:

  • Only organisation admins can push directly to master
  • Pull requests to master has to pass on Circle (tests), and must be approved through the GitHub review system.

Branch naming strategy

The project has a strategy for what to name our branches, so that changes in them are easily traceable to issues here on GitHub. Another reason for having a naming strategy is that it makes it easy to find distinct types of proposed changes, as well as what's being worked on.

Name your branches in the following way, where num is a issue ID on JIRA, such as KAP-1337.

  • If it's a feature (new functionality) name the branch feature/num.
  • If it's a bugfix name the branch bugfix/num.
  • If it's a technical task, name the branch tech/num

Definition of Done (DoD)

A pull request can be submitted when:

  • The feature is implemented, bug is fixed or the technical task is completed. This means that it has to meet the acceptance criteria for the task, described on JIRA.
  • There is written tests for any new features/fixes, and tests are adjusted for any changed features/code.



To setup the project locally install Postgres and set PG_URL to your database. The format should postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost/DB. The capitalized words should be replaced with your own values.

To export your variable on a Unix-system, simply use the export command, i.e. export PG_URL=your value.

Local production environment

Run npm run build to get a transpiled version of the API, then start with npm start.

Local development environment

If you're gonna develop the API, you'll need to set it up together with a database. So first set up a local Postgres database, then:

  1. Install nodemon npm install -g nodemon
  2. Run npm run start:dev Remember that you can run it with environment variables in before the command, i.e. PG_URL=value npm run start:dev.

This will watch for changes and keep the application open for you.

Local decelopment environment with Docker Compose

Docker can spin up the database and the API for you. This is great for when building something on top of the API, such as a mobile or web application. You set it up like this:

  1. Install Docker Compose
  2. Run docker-compose up, and the API will be available on your port 9000.

That's it!

Note: It may not work the first time around, because of setup processes. Just stop it with Ctrl + C and start again, with docker-compose up.

Note about making sure you have the latest version: docker-compose up will get images if they're missing, but not check if you have the latest images. To make sure you have the latest images, run docker-compose pull. To be sure every time you start it that you're using the latest version, start with docker-compose pull && docker-compose up.


Single run

  • Run unit tests & code lint with npm test. This will use your local database.
  • Run just unit tests with npm run tests with NODE_ENV=test. This will use your local database.


Run the unit tests continuously with npm run test:watch. When there is detected changes in the code, only relevant tests will be ran again.. All tests will run when a server file is updated. This will use your local database.

Test data

To load fixtures into database, run npm run load.

If you're running the API from Docker Compose, do the following:

  1. Attach to the container's bash shell:docker exec -i -t radiorevolt-api /bin/bash
  2. The run npm run load from there.
  3. Type exit to leave the shell.

In case you need to reset your database, do the following:

  1. docker-compose down to stop the services.
  2. docker rmi postgres to remove your Postgres-image.
  3. docker-compose up to pull a new image and spin everything up again.


The API is available from / in the API. You can place this under whichever prefix you want on your server, i.e. using Nginx or similar software.

The endpoints themselves are organized around the database entities: post, episode, category and show. The following subsections will describe available methods for each endpoint.

Remember to have set header Content-Type to application/json.

Data model

Note that there is a validation on URLs. They are initially null.


Field Type Description Required? Default value Can be null?
id Integer Category ID, assigned by DBMS No. - No
title String Category title. No Empty string No
description String Category description No Empty string No


Field Type Description Required? Default value Can be null?
id Integer Category ID, assigned by DBMS No. - No
title String Episode title. No Empty string No
lead String Lead/introduction/description for the episode. Yes Empty string No
slug String Unique string for identify the entity in URLs in the frontend Yes Defined by system as slugify(title id), where slugify concatinates the string with - No
podcastUrl String URL to podcast RSS feed No null Yes
soundUrl String URL to Stream on Demand. No null Yes
showId Integer ID of an associated show. No null Yes


Field Type Description Required? Default value Can be null?
id Integer Category ID, assigned by DBMS No. - No
title String Episode title. No Empty string No
slug String Slug that's created by the system by slugyfining title and id. In other words: This field cannot be set by a client No slugify(show.title + No.
description String Description for the show. Yes Empty string No
podcastRssFeedUrl String URL to podcast RSS feed No Empty string No
logoImageUrl String URL to logo image No Empty string No
lead String Lead/introduction/description for the show. No Emptry string No
explicitContent Boolean Tells you if this show contains explicit content, such as slurs. No false No
archived Boolean Determines if the show is archived, i.e. no longer a running show No false No
language String of max 5 characters The language used in the show. Used for i.e. Apple iTunes No 'no' No
digasId Integer ID of the show in the Pappagorg API No null Yes

Retrievals also includes the field episodes, an array of the episodes associated with the show.


Field Type Description Required? Default value Can be null?
id Integer Category ID, assigned by DBMS No. - No
title String Episode title. No - No
lead String Description for the s how. Yes Empty string No
slug String Unique string for identify the entity in URLs in the frontend Yes Defined by system as slugify(title id), where slugify concatinates the string with - No
content Text/Long string The content of the post No Empty string No
coverPhotoUrl String URL to top image No null Yes
authorId Integer The id of the author of the post. Author can then be looked up in user service. No None Yes
pinned Boolean Determines if the post is pinned, i.e. meant to always be at the top of the page. No false No
categoryId Integer ID of the category of the post No null Yes
showId Integer ID of an associated show. No null Yes

API endpoint specification

The previous section describes the data model that is used. This section explains allowed operations and their workings.

Note that all GET requests allow queries on the attributes of that entity. I.e. /episodes?showId=1. You can combine queries with &, i.e. /episodes?showId=1&title=My title.


Method Path Request data What does it do? Successful status code Returns
POST / Category object Create category 201 Created New object.
GET / - Get all categories 200 OK Array of category objects
GET /id - Get a specific category 200 OK Category object of given id
PUT /id Original category object with your changes Update category of given ID 204 No Content -
DELETE /id - Delete a category 204 No Content -


Method Path Request data What does it do? Successful status code Returns
POST / Episode object Create episode 201 Created New episode object
GET / - Get all episodes 200 OK Array of episode objects
GET /id - Get a specific episode 200 OK Episode object with the given id
PUT /id Original episode object with your changes Update episode of given ID 204 No Content -
DELETE /id - Delete an episode 204 No Content -


Method Path Request data What does it do? Successful status code Returns
POST / New post object Create post 201 Created Newly created object
GET / - Get all posts 200 OK Array of post objects
GET /id - Get a specific post 200 OK Post object with the given id
PUT /id Original post object with your changes Update post of given ID 204 No Content -
DELETE /id - Delete a post 204 No Content -
GET /id/categories Lists all categories associated with post with the id id 204 OK Array of categories
PUT /id/categories/categoryId Adds the category with the given categoryId to the post with the given id 204 No Content -
DELETE /id/categories/categoryId Removes the category with the given categoryId from the post with the given id 204 No Content -


Method Path Request data What does it do? Successful status code Returns
POST / New show object Create show 201 Created Newly created object
GET / - Get all shows 200 OK Array of show objects
GET /id - Get specific show 200 OK Show object with the given id
PUT /id Original show object with your changes Update show of given ID 204 No Content -
DELETE /id - Delete a show 204 No Content -


Based off of this boilerplate.


Future API for







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Contributors 3
