ENHANCEMENT: Added Multiple Members Per User (MMPU) compatibility for banners (PMPro Module).
ENHANCEMENT: Adjusted order of metaboxes on Sitewide Sale CPT edit screen to reflect recommended workflow.
ENHANCEMENT: Now allowing certain HTML in custom banner title and banner text.
BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Improved new swsale start date/time and generated coupon end date for all modules.
BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now properly showing strike through prices for product variations (WooCommerce module).
BUG FIX: Adjusted logic to preview sale strike pricing when previewing the sale as admin.
BUG FIX: Now only striking price if actually discounted (WooCommerce module).
BUG FIX: Style fix for Ocean landing page template background color.
BUG FIX: Fixed edge case where an orphaned swsale ID stored in post meta wasn't actually a swsale CPT.
BUG FIX: Fixed case where site has no existing reusable blocks to pull into dropdown.
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