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A lightweight, highly customizable and reliable OTP input field for Android


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A lightweight, highly-customizable and reliable OTP input field for Android

Check out the sample app on the releases page or on Google Play!




repositories {
dependencies {
  implementation "com.github.stoyicker.otpview:library:<version>"

Demo video

Compatible with Kotlin 100%
minSdkVersion 17
onSave/RestoreInstanceState drawing
LTR, RTL & top-to-bottom drawing
Fully customizable via state-based drawables drawing
Customizable attributes via XML All
Customizable attributes after inflation All


Transitive dependencies/apk bloat?

None! The library only depends on a small set of annotations and constants needed to offer proper support for autocomplete as well as for Kotlin.

But I use Java, I don't want Kotlin bloat?!

The entire library is written in Java and Kotlin compatibility is achieved via annotations that do not make it to runtime. So neither Kotlin nor Java users get anything they don't want!

Full API reference

See defaults.xml for default values.

public int getBoxAmount()

Gets the amount of boxes currently in the view.

  • Returns: The amount of boxes currently in the view.
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxAmount

public void setBoxAmount(@IntRange(from = 1) int newBoxAmount)

Sets the amount of boxes for the view. Boxes will be added at the end or removed from the end of the view. Note that the current text of the view will be affected by the amount of boxes changing, either because it is trimmed if boxes are removed, or because it gets appended spaces if boxes are added.

  • Parameters: newBoxAmount — The new amount of boxes that the view should have (minimum 1)
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxAmount

public void setBoxMargin(@Px int newMargin)

Sets the margin for all sides of the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newMargin — The new margin for all sides of the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxPadding_start

@Px public int getBoxMarginStart()

Gets the start margin of the boxes in the view.

  • Returns: The start margin of the boxes in the view, in pixels.
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMargin_start

public void setBoxMarginStart(@Px int newMarginStart)

Sets the start margin for the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newMarginStart — The new start margin for the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMargin_start

@Px public int getBoxMarginTop()

Gets the top margin of the boxes in the view.

  • Returns: The top margin of the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMargin_top

public void setBoxMarginTop(@Px int newMarginTop)

Sets the top margin for the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newMarginTop — The new top margin for the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMargin_top

@Px public int getBoxMarginEnd()

Gets the end margin of the boxes in the view.

  • Returns: The end margin of the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMargin_end

public void setBoxMarginEnd(@Px int newMarginEnd)

Sets the end margin for the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newMarginEnd — The new end margin for the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMargin_end

@Px public int getBoxMarginBottom()

Gets the bottom margin of the boxes in the view.

  • Returns: The bottom margin of the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMargin_bottom

public void setBoxMarginBottom(@Px int newMarginBottom)

Sets the bottom margin for the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newMarginBottom — The new bottom margin for the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMargin_bottom

public void setBoxPadding(@Px int newPadding)

Sets the padding for all sides of the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newPadding — The new padding for all sides of the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxPadding_start

@Px public int getBoxPaddingStart()

Gets the start padding of the boxes in the view.

  • Returns: The start padding of the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxPadding_start

public void setBoxPaddingStart(@Px int newPaddingStart)

Sets the start padding for the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newPaddingStart — The new start padding for the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxPadding_start

@Px public int getBoxPaddingTop()

Gets the top padding of the boxes in the view.

  • Returns: The top padding of the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxPadding_top

public void setBoxPaddingTop(@Px int newPaddingTop)

Sets the top padding for the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newPaddingTop — The new top padding for the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxPadding_top

@Px public int getBoxPaddingEnd()

Gets the end padding of the boxes in the view.

  • Returns: The end padding of the boxes in the view, in pixels.
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxPadding_end

public void setBoxPaddingEnd(@Px int newPaddingEnd)

Sets the end padding for the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newPaddingEnd — The new end padding for the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxPadding_end

@Px public int getBoxPaddingBottom()

Gets the bottom margin of the boxes in the view.

  • Returns: The bottom margin of the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxPadding_bottom

public void setBoxPaddingBottom(@Px int newPaddingBottom)

Sets the bottom padding for the boxes in the view.

  • Parameters: newPaddingBottom — The new bottom padding for the boxes in the view, in pixels
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMargin_bottom

@Nullable public Drawable getBoxBackground()

Gets the Drawable used as background for the boxes.

  • Returns: The Drawable used as background for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxBackground

public void setBoxBackgroundColorResource(@ColorRes int newColorRes)

Sets the color to be used as a background for the boxes.

  • Parameters: newColorRes — A resource pointing to the new color to be as a background for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxBackground

public void setBoxBackgroundDrawableResource(@DrawableRes int newDrawableRes)

Sets the drawable to be used as a background for the boxes.

  • Parameters: newDrawableRes — A resource pointing to the new Drawable to be as a background for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxBackground

public void setBoxBackground(@ColorInt int newColor)

Sets the color to be used as a background for the boxes.

  • Parameters: newColor — The new color to be as a background for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxBackground

public void setBoxBackground(final @Nullable Drawable newDrawable)

Sets the Drawable to be used as a background for the boxes.

  • Parameters: newDrawable — The new Drawable to be used as a background for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxBackground

public ColorStateList getBoxTextColor()

Gets the color for the text in the boxes.

  • Returns: A ColorStateList describing the color(s) for the text in the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxTextColor

public void setBoxTextColorResource(@ColorRes int newColorRes)

Sets the color for the text in the boxes

  • Parameters: newColorRes — The resource for new color to use for the boxes where the code characters are shown. Use state_focused to apply different customization to a box when it is active
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxTextColor

public void setBoxTextColorStateListResource(@ColorRes int newColorRes)

Sets the color for the text in the boxes.

  • Parameters: newColorRes — The resource for new ColorStateList to use for the boxes where the code characters are shown. Use state_focused to apply different customization to a box when it is active
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxTextColor

public void setBoxTextColor(@ColorInt int newColor)

Sets the color for the text in the boxes.

  • Parameters: newColor — The new color to use for the boxes where the code characters are shown. Use state_focused to apply different customization to a box when it is active
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxTextColor

public void setBoxTextColorStateList(final @NonNull ColorStateList newColorStateList)

Sets the color for the text in the boxes.

  • Parameters: newColorStateList — The new ColorStateList to use for the boxes where the code characters are shown. Use state_focused to apply different customization to a box when it is active
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxTextColor

@Px public float getBoxTextSize()

Gets the size (in raw pixels) of the text in the boxes of this view.

  • Returns: The size (in raw pixels) of the text in the boxes of this view
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxTextSize

public void setBoxTextSize(@Px float newTextSize)

Sets the size (in raw pixels) of the text in the boxes of this view.

  • Parameters: newTextSize — The size (in raw pixels) of the text in the boxes of this view
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxTextSize

@Px public float getBoxTextScaledSize()

Gets the size (in scaled pixels) of the text in the boxes of this view.

  • Returns: The size (in scaled pixels) of the text in the boxes of this view
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxTextSize

public void setBoxTextScaledSize(@Px float newTextSize)

Sets the size (in scaled pixels) of the text in the boxes of this view.

  • Parameters: newTextSize — The size (in scaled pixels) of the text in the boxes of this view
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxTextSize

@BoxInputType public int getBoxInputType()

Gets the current input type of the view.

  • Returns: The current input type of the view, as specified by BoxInputType
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxInputType

public void setBoxInputType(@BoxInputType int newBoxInputType)

Sets the input type of the view. This will condition the virtual input method shown on screen when the user interacts with the boxes.

  • Parameters: newBoxInputType — The desired new input type, any of BoxInputType
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxInputType

@NonNull public String getText()

Gets the current text in the view as a representation built by putting together all characters in the view. Empty boxes are skipped, so the length of what you get may not match the amount of boxes in the view

  • Returns: A representation of the current text in the view
  • See also:
    • R.attr#otp_text
    • #getTextRaw()

public void setTextResource(final @StringRes int newTextRes)

Sets the text in the view. If the view is set to be masked, the text will not be revealed at all. The content is distributed one character per box, starting with the first box, this being the left-most one in LTR locales and the right-most one in RTL locales.

  • Parameters: newTextRes — The resource for the text to set in this view
  • See also: R.attr#otp_text

public void setText(final @NonNull CharSequence newText)

Sets the text in the view. If the view is set to be masked, the text will not be revealed at all. The content is distributed one character per box, starting with the first box, this being the left-most one in LTR locales and the right-most one in RTL locales.

  • Parameters: newText — The text to set in this view
  • See also: R.attr#otp_text

@NonNull public SparseArray<Character> getTextRaw()

Gets the characters currently in the view mapped to the position they occupy, 0-indexed.

  • Returns: A SparseArray holding the Characters currently in the view mapped to the position they occupy, 0-indexed. If a box is empty, the corresponding index will be missing from the object
  • See also: R.attr#otp_text

public void setTextRaw(final @NonNull SparseArray<Character> newTextRaw)

Sets the characters currently in the boxes.

  • Parameters: newTextRaw — A SparseArray of Character mapping the contents for each box to the index of that box (0-indexed) in the view
  • See also: R.attr#otp_text

public boolean isMasked()

Gets the masked state of the view.

  • Returns: true if the view is masked; false otherwise

public void setMasked(boolean newMasked)

Sets the masked state of the view.

  • Parameters: newMasked — true to mask the content in the view. false to un-mask it

@Nullable public Drawable getBoxMask()

Gets the Drawable used as mask for the boxes.

  • Returns: The Drawable used as mask for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMask

public void setBoxMaskColorResource(@ColorRes int newColorRes)

Sets the color to be used as a mask for the boxes.

  • Parameters: newColorRes — A resource pointing to the new color to be as a mask for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMask

public void setBoxMaskDrawableResource(@DrawableRes int newDrawableRes)

Sets the drawable to be used as a mask for the boxes.

  • Parameters: newDrawableRes — A resource pointing to the new Drawable to be as a mask for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMask

public void setBoxMask(@ColorInt int newColor)

Sets the color to be used as a mask for the boxes.

  • Parameters: newColor — The new color to be as a mask for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMask

public void setBoxMask(final @Nullable Drawable newDrawable)

Sets the Drawable to be used as a mask for the boxes.

  • Parameters: newDrawable — The new Drawable to be used as a mask for the boxes
  • See also: R.attr#otp_boxMask

public void setOrientation(int orientation)

  • See also:
    • LinearLayout#setOrientation(int)
    • android.R.attr#orientation

public void setLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection)

  • See also:
    • View#setLayoutDirection(int)
    • android.R.attr#layoutDirection

public void registerOtpInputListener(final @NonNull OtpInputListener listener)

Adds an OtpInputListener to listen for input changes if it isn't already registered. For most cases, it is recommended that you use an instance of SimpleOtpInputListener

  • Parameters: listener — The OtpInputListener to register
  • See also:
    • #unregisterOtpInputListener(OtpInputListener)
    • SimpleOtpInputListener

public boolean unregisterOtpInputListener(final @NonNull OtpInputListener listener)

Removes a previously registered OtpInputListener, if it is indeed registered.

  • Parameters: listener — The OtpInputListener to unregister
  • Returns: true if the listener was found among the registered ones (and, therefore, unregistered). false otherwise
  • See also: #registerOtpInputListener(OtpInputListener)

public boolean requestFocus(int direction, final @Nullable Rect previouslyFocusedRect)

  • See also: #requestFocusFirstBlankBox()

public boolean requestFocusFirstBlankBox()

Gives focus to the first box without text. Note that when a box gains focus, it (1) becomes active, (2) erases its text, if any, and (3) shows the soft keyboard.

  • Returns: true if a box (regardless of whether it was focused before or not) has requested focus. false otherwise.