This is a kubernetes release for Story-Graph
You need to have the following tools installed:
- direnv
- kubectl
- k14s utilities, like ytt and kapp You would need a Unix (or Unix-like) OS and a running Kubernetes cluster.
You can deploy like so:
./script/ installs storygraph to your k8s cluster
kapp inspect -a storygraph # details for storygraph installation
If your are running it locally then you might need some port-forwarding in order to be able to access your app:
# forward port to some free port on your machine
# by default:
kubectl -n storygraph port-forward service/storygraph-service <SOME_FREE_PORT_ON_YOUR_MACHINE>:<STORYGRAPH_PORT_ON_CLUSTER>&
Now you should be able to access your Story Graph instance like so:
curl localhost:<SOME_FREE_PORT_ON_YOUR_MACHINE>/greet