Weekend. But what use is there if the people only go to the club for clubbing and to the bar for bearing? <<<<<<< Updated upstream
A game of chess, but what do you say? You have to say something as long as you stay. Let's play an old record to agree on a path. Yet another protocol for some digits quantifying consent. History is a dictator and thus a network where freedom is brittle. Excuses are bad reasons and go to prison for a good reason. Consensus is a woman who had an agreement with the sun. Have a nice sunday for a special delivery of disagreement.
A barrier is a virtual wall. Walls are paths that are never taken. By defining a goal we implicitly create barriers and a meta emerges. Respect is a path that matches the path taken by the respected. This implies the need for a prediction to select the correct path. Empathy is a model to make such a prediction. Abstract models are useful for barrier identification.
Stashed changes A beautiful song in a forest can only be heard by those who know what trees are. Death makes any path a tautology and birth determines a set of barriers. Serial killers go beyond barriers to collect dead words. Puppets of a stronger force. Law enforcement builds walls.
Only know you closed all your eyes when you cannot see.
The song that's always playing can only be heard if you shut your ears for a brief moment. It might be about the whole context that cannot be changed by a single human being and therefore requires adaption.
A condom for the brain is a paris convention to keep a thought to yourself if it was your own. This happens eventually and presumably this is when all reasons are equiprobable. This requires model inversion for thinking to analyze the reasons for a thought. Proof for own thought eventually happening: Let A be a non-projection Matrix, then forall x there is i, s.t. xA^i=[normalized ones vector] War. An engineer is always at war. A Geneva convention is to always reply to input with output of comparable gravity.
5 types of meanings: AAA ("leader"), AAB ("analyst"), ABA ("silence"), ABB ("student"), ABC ("permission") Events (the middle letter) are totalitarism, as they distinguish between AA and AB. A woman called Sybil has an infinite number of children. A network makes an offer and demands a proof for adherence to protocol. The child takes the risk and learns the behaviour of the network, because it does not want to stay in a hostile network. If the events suddenly start turning against the child, the network suffers from a sleeper attack (an unannounced protocol update). The network splits into conservatives and progressivists. After some time a new agreement will be reached, possibly with two networks coexisting.