NumericalAnalysis 2S is a mobile application for the analysis of numerical methods. It was developed at EAFIT University, in Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia, designed and implemented in Numerical Analysis, subject of the career Computer Science. It is currently deployed in its version 1.0.5.
You can graph any function (no continuous functions present problems)
Finding root (One Variable section)
In each method you will be able to see graph and table with their iterations. -
System equation solver
You can modify the speed of the animation like this
Each method have their respective simplified polynomial/equations section.
Download the mobile app in Google Play.
Graph was built using GraphView by Jonas Grehring.
Evaluate functions with EvalEx by Udo Klimaschewski.
TableView by Evren Coşkun to show results of iterative methods.
MathComplex to support imaginary numbers.
MathView by HourGlass to show mathematics expression wih katex style.
Succes and fail notifications was built with SuperToasts by John Persano.
Symja by Axel Kramer to simplify mathematics expression, generate latex/katex syntax and evaluate functions.
If you want to report some issue, create a new post in issues section or send an emal to [email protected].