The goal of this project is to ingest air quality data from an AWS sqs source and present it to the customer in a dashboard. It consists out of 3 parts:
- Data exploration
- Setup of AWS cloud services
- Dashboarding
See notebook.
The goal is to store the air quality data in a database. Therefore 2 resources are created:
- A DynamoDB: This database contains the measurements. A noSQL dabatase is choosen due to simplicity. The primary key is a combination of the parameter (pollutant) and the time of measurement. This time is stored as a timestamp numeric value. The resolution is microseconds so the chance of equal primary keys is nihil.
- Lambda function: this function is triggered by the sqs queue. It processes the measurements and ingests them into the database. Functionality is minimal.
The Data from the DynamoDB is provisioned in a user interface based on the Dash framework. The app has 3 components:
- Selector for selecting the pollutant. When selecting a pollutant, all other visuals are updated.
- A map that shows the selected pollutant as a colored circle. The value shown is the mean value of the last 6 hours.
- A graph that shows a longer history for a certain location. The default timeframe is 7 days. The location can be selected by clicking on the map.
Below steps for installation with Visual Studio Code are listed:
- Clone this repository to your local maching
- Execute
poetry install
in the project home directory - Install AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code link
- Add a profile to AWS Toolkit (instructions). If not using VSC, profile credentials need to be given in a different manner, eg in the code.
- Add file, see example
To run the explorative notebook:
- Execute
jupyter notebook
while the Poetry virtual environment is activated
To run dash app:
- Execute with VSC. Normally it should use the virtual environment that is created by Poetry and the AWS credentials provided to the AWS Toolkit
- Add testing to the package code
- Add git precommit hooks for code quality checking (eg black...)
- Split repository in smalles parts (eg Dash app, exploration part, packaged modules...)
- Provision the Dash app on a web service
- Add data quality monitoring to the streaming services
- Make lambda function more robust (eg message variations)
- Add deployement pipeline
- Add selectors on other attributes in Dash app
- Solve bug: error when polutant is selected and no data for selected location is available
- Add reference limits for pollutants in Dash app