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This is a multiplayer snake game written in Elixir, using Pheonix LiveView, and SVG.

Play online against one computer player. Use arrow keys for direction, and the space-bar to jump. Note that heavy use of SVG makes playing on mobile choppy.

To run locally:

  • Run mix setup to install and setup dependencies
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server
  • Compiles on Windows with Elixir 1.15.2, and runs on Heroku

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

The program uses these processes to create multiple games from the single CollectParticipants server

Game options

Can choose to have the game slowly rotate

Jump with space-bar or click the jumping man icon

After a crash, a dead users segments are hollowed out.

The head of the winner's snake is zoomed in on, as is blue below, at the end of the game

Six browser players versus one computer player in red, counting down

Six browser players versus one computer player in red, playing

Follow steps below to launch the debugging observer

 > iex.bat -S mix phx.server

Then load the dependencies and finally start it.

          iex> Mix.ensure_application!(:wx) 
          iex> Mix.ensure_application!(:runtime_tools)
          iex> Mix.ensure_application!(:observer) 

          iex> :observer.start()