- Before you use this you have to set your stratagem keybinds to the arrow keys
- Navigate to the realease page https://github.com/stdNullPtr/StrataBro/releases
- Download the latest release .zip
- Extract and run the .exe
- Select the stratagems that you want to automate, they will be at the respective keybinds as stated in the text on the left of the drop boxes
StrataBro is a simple tool built with Qt Widgets, designed for the game Helldivers 2.
The purpose of the tool is to automate stratagem callouts in the game, by sending keypresses to the game.
Versioning is done using the release please workflow as a source of truth for the version.
It creates a VERSION.txt that is used across project by CMake and CMake generates a header file with the version that is used in the actual code.
When the release PR is merged - a new GitHub release is created and the version should be automatically handled throughout the build system.
Assume QT_ROOT_DIR=C:\Qt\6.8.2\msvc2022_64 in my case. This is your QT root directory.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/stdNullPtr/StrataBro.git
- Cmake generate (using "build" dir for the example)
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${QT_ROOT_DIR} -S . -B build
- Cmake build
cmake --build build --config Release
- Cmake deploy dependencies
${QT_ROOT_DIR}\bin\windeployqt.exe --release --no-compiler-runtime --no-translations build\Release\StrataBro.exe
- You can find the executable at build\Release\StrataBro.exe
Note: have a look at this workflow for reference on how a build is done.