Physically-Based Renderer in Rust
Uses graphite as the base math, vector and geometry library
Uses objloader as the Wavefront OBJ-loading library
- Tracers (Path, Ambient Occlusion, Direct Illumination, Normals, Silhouette)
- Shapes (Mesh/Triangle, Sphere)
- Acceleration Data Structures (BVH)
- BSDFs (Dielectric, Diffuse, Microfacet, Mirror)
- Cameras (Perspective)
- Integrators (Sampler Integrator)
- Lights (Point, Area, Infinite)
- Samplers (Discrete PDF, Independent [PCG64], Sobol LDS)
- Textures (Constant, Checkerboard, Gradient, Grid)
- YAML scene config loader (automatic deserialization)
- OpenEXR Image output
- Render State serializing-to and deserializing-from disk
- GUI Renderer
- CLI Renderer
Sample Renders: