Our Jobs Template is built on NextJS and React, offering a modern and efficient solution for job listing and applicant management. This template is designed to seamlessly integrate with spurtCMS Admin, providing a robust platform for managing job-related content.
- Integration with spurtCMS Admin: Use the template seamlessly with spurtCMS Admin to manage job listings, applicant details, and other job-related content efficiently.
- Standalone Usage: The Jobs Template can also be used independently, allowing for flexibility in content management according to your specific needs.
- Dynamic Job Listings: Easily create, edit, and delete job listings, complete with detailed information about qualifications, salary, and more.
- Applicant Management: Track and manage applicant statuses, view applications, and streamline the recruitment process.
go get github.com/spurtcms/jobs
func main() {
Auth := auth.AuthSetup(auth.Config{
UserId: 1,
ExpiryTime: 2,
SecretKey: "Secret123",
RoleId: 1,
DB: &gorm.DB{},
token, _ := Auth.CreateToken()
Auth.VerifyToken(token, Auth.SecretKey)
permisison, _ := Auth.IsGranted("Jobs", auth.CRUD)
Jobs := jobs.JobsSetup(jobs.Config{
DB: &gorm.DB{},
AuthEnable: true,
PermissionEnable: true,
Auth: Auth,
if permisison {
//List Jobs
jobslist, totalcount, err := Jobs.JobsList(10, 0, jobs.Filter{})
fmt.Println(jobslist, totalcount, err)
//Create new job
cerr := Jobs.CreateJob(jobs.CreateJobReq{JobTitle: "Developer", JobDescription: "developing, coding, installing, and maintaining software systems.", JobType: "Full-Time", JobLocation: "Chennai"})
if cerr != nil {
//Update Job
uerr := Jobs.UpdateJob(jobs.CreateJobReq{JobTitle: "Manager", JobDescription: "Develops, coordinates, and enforces systems, policies, procedures, and productivity", JobType: "Hybrid-Work", JobLocation: "Bangalore", Id: 1})
if uerr != nil {
//Delete job
derr := Jobs.DeleteJob(1, 1)
if derr != nil {
} else {
apermisison, _ := Auth.IsGranted("Applicants", auth.CRUD)
if apermisison {
//List applicants
applicantlist, totalcount, err := Jobs.ApplicantsList(10, 0, jobs.Filter{})
fmt.Println(applicantlist, totalcount, err)
//Create applicant
cerr := Jobs.CreateApplicant(jobs.CreateApplicantReq{Name: "Joe",Education: "BE",Experience: 2,JobType: "Full-Time"})
if cerr != nil {
//Update applicant
uerr := Jobs.UpdateApplicant(jobs.CreateApplicantReq{Name: "John",Education: "Bsc",Experience: 1,JobType: "Remote-Work"},1 )
if uerr != nil {
//Delete applicant
derr := Jobs.DeleteApplicant(1, 1)
if derr != nil {
} else {
If you encounter a problem with the package,please refer [Please refer [(https://www.spurtcms.com/documentation/spurtcms)] or you can create a new Issue in this repo[https://github.com/spurtcms/jobs/issues].