This sample blog is an excellent starting point to explore Next.js and spurtcms spurtcms. Get it up and running in minutes. Modify and adapt it to your liking; It comes with a native spurtcms that offers features like real-time collaboration and visual editing with live updates. Check out the project documentaion for more details.
The Studio connects to spurtcms, which gives you hosted content APIs with a flexible query language, on-demand image transformations, powerful patching, and more. You can use this starter to kick-start a blog or learn these technologies.
- Next.js v14
- Next.js App Router
- Styling with Tailwind CSS
- Dark & Light Mode
- Mobile Responsive
- skeleton loader
- Optimized for SEO using Next.js's Metadata
- infinite scroll pagination
- New fetching and caching paradigms
- Server Actions for mutations
Use the Deploy Button below, you'll deploy the example using
Open .env and set NEXT_PUBLIC_SPURTCMS_NEXTJS_STARTER_THEME_BASEURL to be the URL to your GraphQL endpoint in spurtCMS.
Before starting our Next JS blog template we need to go inside our spurtCMS Admin and get the default token that we will be using for displaying our content.
1.Inside your spurtCMS Admin Panel spurtcms navigate to API Keys.
2.Click on the Action key
3.Copy the api key
Once you have your token add it to your env and it should look like this:
npm install
npm run dev
Your blog should be up and running on http://localhost:3000!
npm run prod
If you have feedback or questions about this starter, please use the Github Issues on this repo, [(] or Send Email to us [([email protected])]