Course Project at IIITD
(Credits- Advanced Programming)
Tank-Stars using libGDX.The objective of the game is the two-player (1 vs 1) game mode where players face off on hilly terrain, taking turns firing bombs at one another. Players get a limited fuel ration per turn and are allowed to position themselves for a better shot.The player is allowed to select the power and angle of the trajectory and then fire the shot. The effect of the hit (impact on the health) on the tank is based on how close it has been hit. A player can choose from at least 3 tanks before starting the game. The game is over when one player has lost its complete health. We have also provided save button functionality which saves the game state and save the following: a) Health of the 2 players b) Store the exact position of the tanks c) Store the orientation of the ground. A player must be able to save as well as load any saved game.
Gameplay Screenshot