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Frédéric Wang edited this page Apr 4, 2013 · 1 revision

blahTeX extension



\newcommand is implemented in a similar way as in MathJax.


All commands are supported.


All commands are supported. \sqrt and \not behave the same way.


\color and all color names are supported.

Text commands

Missing commands: \textsf, \texttt and \emph

Fractions, binomials

All commands are supported.


All commands are supported.

Atom flavours

All commands are supported.


Missing command: \displaylimits


All commands are supported.


All commands are supported.


Missing command: \bold


All commands are supported.

Named operators

Missing command: \operatornamewithlimits

Escaped characters

All commands are supported.

Greek letters

All commands are supported.

Various mathematical symbols in no particular order

Missing commands: \P and \dasharrow.

Large operators

All commands are supported.

Symbols only available in text mode

None of these commands are supported.

Special commands

\strictspacing this is used to force blahTeX strict spacing (that is to output MathML spacing elements everywhere to force the rendering looking like TeX spacing). That may not be relevant to MathJax, or

Unicode symbol translation in math mode

In math mode, blahtex accepts a number of non-ASCII symbols just like their command counterpart. These symbols are translated as TEX commands, as detailed in the table below.

MathJax does not do that.

Non-ASCII characters in text mode

Blahtex will serenely transcribe any non-ASCII characters for MathML output, as long as they appear in text mode (for example, surrounded by \text{...})

Not if everything here applies to MathJax. BlahTeX has \cyr and \jap commands to enter Cyrillic and Japanese.

Nonstandard commands

Blahtex has a command-line option (--texvc-compatible-commands) that en- ables all of the nonstandard commands in texvc’s dialect of TEX;

\R \Reals \reals \Z \N \natnums \Complex \cnums \alefsym \alef \larr \rarr \Larr \lArr \Rarr \rArr \uarr \uArr \Uarr \darr \dArr \Darr \lrarr \harr \Lrarr \Harr \lrArr \hAar \sub \supe \sube \infin \lang \rang \real \image \bull \weierp \isin \plusmn \Dagger \exist \sect \clubs \spades \hearts \diamonds \sdot \ang \thetasym \Alpha \Beta \Epsilon \Zeta \Eta \Iota \Kappa \Mu \Nu \Rho \Tau \Chi \arcsec \arccsc \arccot \sgn

Also included are the four commands \empty, \and, \or, \part. These commands are part of TEX/LATEX/AMS-LATEX, but they do not do what texvc thinks they should do!

=> This is related to Nageh's effort to make commands compatible with texvc (by defining user macro). Should be in the blahTeX extension? Perhaps when a texvc-compatible-commands option is set?

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