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Svead 🍺, a component that allows you to set head meta information, canonical, title, Twitter and Facebook Open Graph tags, and data.


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Svead 🍺 - Svelte Head Component

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Svead, a component that allows you to set head meta information, canonical, title, Twitter and Facebook Open Graph tags.

Also supports JSON-LD for SEO.



The name was meant to be Svelte + Head, but I like Puru's suggestion of Svelte + Mead

v0.0.4 vs v1

v1 is currently available via pnpm i -D svead@next and will be that way until Svelte 5 comes out of RC phase.

v1 has changed compared to v0.0.4. The main change is that the there's only one config object now with SeoConfig as the type. This is because the schema_org_* props are now optional and can be set directly on the SeoConfig object.


It takes the following props:

SeoConfig Props

Property Type Description Required
title string The title of the web page. Yes
description string A description of the web page. Yes
url string The URL of the web page. Yes
website string The website the web page belongs to. No
language string | 'en' The language of the web page. Defaults to 'en'. No
open_graph_image string The URL of an image to use for Open Graph meta tags. No
payment_pointer string A payment pointer for Web Monetisation. No
author_name string The name of the author. No
author_type AuthorType The type of the author, either 'Person' or 'Organization'. No
author_url string A URL for the author. No
date_published string The date the content was published. No
date_modified string The date the content was last modified. No
publisher_name string The name of the publisher. No
publisher_url string A URL for the publisher. No
publisher_logo string A URL for the publisher's logo. No
same_as string[] An array of URLs for the sameAs property. No
schema_org_search_url_template string A URL template for the potentialAction search property. No
schema_org_article SchemaOrgArticle A SchemaOrgArticle object. No
schema_org_website SchemaOrgWebsite A SchemaOrgWebsite object. No
schema_org_webpage SchemaOrgWebPage A SchemaOrgWebPage object. No
schema_org_entity SchemaOrgEntity A SchemaOrgEntity object. No
schema_org_publisher SchemaOrgPublisher A SchemaOrgPublisher object. No
schema_org_image_object SchemaOrgImageObject A SchemaOrgImageObject. No
schema_org_breadcrumb_list SchemaOrgBreadcrumbList A SchemaOrgBreadcrumbList object. No

JSON-LD Properties

The following tables lists the JSON-LD properties supported by 'svead'. These properties help you structure your metadata in a way that is recognized by search engines, enhancing your SEO and the way your content is understood and presented in search results.


Property Type Description Required
schema_org_search_url_template string A URL template for the potentialAction search property. No

SchemaOrgArticle Properties

Property Type Description Required
@type 'Article' The type of the object. Must be 'Article'. Yes
isPartOf Identifiable The parent object this article is part of. Yes
author Identifiable The author of the article. Yes
headline string The headline of the article. Yes
datePublished Date | string The date the article was published. Yes
dateModified Date | string The date the article was last modified. Yes
mainEntityOfPage Identifiable The main entity described in the article. Yes
publisher Identifiable The publisher of the article. Yes
image Identifiable An image that represents the article. Yes
articleSection string[] The sections the article belongs to. Yes
inLanguage string The language of the article. Yes

SchemaOrgWebsite Properties

Property Type Description Required
@type 'WebSite' The type of the object. Must be 'WebSite'. Yes
url string The URL of the website. Yes
name string The name of the website. Yes
description string A description of the website. Yes
publisher Identifiable The publisher of the website. Yes
potentialAction SearchAction[] An array of potential search actions for the website. Yes
inLanguage string The language of the website. Yes

SchemaOrgWebPage Properties

Property Type Description Required
@type 'WebPage' The type of the object. Must be 'WebPage'. Yes
url string The URL of the web page. Yes
name string The name of the web page. Yes
isPartOf Identifiable The parent website the web page is part of. Yes
primaryImageOfPage Identifiable The primary image of the web page. Yes
datePublished Date | string The date the web page was published. Yes
dateModified Date | string The date the web page was last modified. Yes
author Identifiable The author of the web page. Yes
description string A description of the web page. Yes
breadcrumb Identifiable The breadcrumb for the web page. Yes
inLanguage string The language of the web page. Yes
potentialAction ReadAction[] An array of potential read actions for the web page. Yes

SchemaOrgEntity Properties

Property Type Description Required
@type MainEntityType[] An array of types for the entity. Yes
@id string A unique identifier for the entity. Yes
name string The name of the entity. Yes
image SchemaOrgImageObject An image that represents the entity. Yes
logo Identifiable A logo associated with the entity. Yes
sameAs string[] An array of URLs that also represent the entity. Yes

SchemaOrgPublisher Properties

Property Type Description Required
@type MainEntityType[] An array of types for the publisher. Yes
name string The name of the publisher. Yes
image SchemaOrgImageObject An image that represents the publisher. Yes
logo Identifiable A logo associated with the publisher. Yes
sameAs string[] An array of URLs that also represent the publisher. Yes

SchemaOrgImageObject Properties

Property Type Description Required
@type 'ImageObject' The type of the object. Must be 'ImageObject'. Yes
@id string A unique identifier for the image. Yes
inLanguage string The language of the image. Yes
url string The URL of the image. Yes
contentUrl string An alternative URL for the image. No
width number The width of the image in pixels. Yes
height number The height of the image in pixels. Yes
caption string A caption describing the image. Yes

SchemaOrgBreadcrumbList Properties

Property Type Description Required
@type 'BreadcrumbList' The type of the object. Must be 'BreadcrumbList'. Yes
itemListElement ListItem[] An array of list items representing the breadcrumb trail. Yes

ListItem Properties

Property Type Description Required
@type 'ListItem' The type of the object. Must be 'ListItem'. Yes
position number The position of the item in the list. Yes
item Identifiable & { name: string; url: string; } The item represented by this list node. Yes

Additional Notes:

  • Refer to Schema Documentation: For a detailed understanding of each property and how it's used in structured data, refer to the documentation.
  • Advanced Configuration: Some properties accept complex objects or arrays. Please refer to the respective schema definitions for such cases.
  • Best Practices: Ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided for each property to maximize SEO benefits.

This table is not exhaustive and may be updated as new properties are added or existing ones are modified. Stay tuned to the project's repository for the latest updates.

Use it

npm install svead

Import it into your Svelte pages and use:

<script lang="ts">
	import { Head, type SeoConfig } from 'svead';

	const seo_config: SeoConfig = {
		url: '',
		title: 'Web Page',
		description: 'This is a sample web page.',
		date_published: '2023-04-05T10:00:00Z',
		date_modified: '2023-04-05T12:00:00Z',

<Head {seo_config} />

Managing the lang Attribute in app.html

The lang attribute in your SvelteKit application is crucial for specifying the primary language of your content. This attribute is essential for accessibility and SEO, as it helps search engines and assistive technologies understand the language of your text.

Default Language Setting

Typically, the lang attribute is set in the app.html file of your SvelteKit project. Here's a typical example:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
	<!-- ... other tags ... -->

In this snippet, lang="en" sets the language of the document to English.

Customizing the Language

To customize the language for your application:

  1. Static Setting: If your site is primarily in one language, simply replace the en in lang="en" with the appropriate language code (e.g., fr for French).

  2. Dynamic Setting: If your site supports multiple languages and you need to change the language dynamically based on user preferences or other criteria, you'll need to handle this at the server level or through client-side scripting. Here are some strategies:

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Adapt your SSR setup to insert the correct lang attribute based on the request's context or user settings.
  • Client-Side Script: Use client-side JavaScript to set document.documentElement.lang based on user interaction or other indicators. This method is less preferred due to potential SEO and user experience implications.

Note on svead Usage

The svead package is designed to enhance your application's SEO and accessibility through structured data and other optimizations. However, managing the lang attribute in the app.html file is outside the scope of svead. As such, you'll need to manage this attribute as part of your general SvelteKit application setup. Following the best practices for setting the lang attribute will complement the enhancements provided by svead.

Packaging for NPM

Scott, this is here for you to remember how to do this πŸ™ƒ

Although I detailed this in Making npm Packages with SvelteKit I think it's best to put it here as I always come to the README and the instructions are never there! πŸ˜…

Publish the project to NPM

# change to package directory
cd packages/svead
# authenticate with npm
npm login
# bump version with npm
npm version 0.0.8
# package with sveltekit
pnpm run package
# publish
npm publish
# push tags to github
git push --tags

Publish @next package

Same procedure except use the --tag flag:

# change to package directory
cd packages/svead
# authenticate with npm
npm login
# bump version with npm
npm version 0.0.13
# package with sveltekit
pnpm run package
# publish with tag
npm publish --tag next
# push tags to github
git push --tags

Move @next package to latest

# authenticate with npm
npm login
# move @next to latest
npm dist-tag add [email protected] latest

pnpm workspaces

To add the svead package to the web workspace:

pnpm add -D svead --filter web

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Scott Spence
Scott Spence

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ’‘ 🚧 ⚠️
Add your contributions

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!