mpiFFT4py performs FFTs in parallel in Python. It is developed to be able to do FFTs in parallel on a three-dimensional computational box (a structured grid), but there are also routines for doing the FFTs on a 2D mesh. It implements both the slab and the pencil decompositions.
mpiFFT4py requires numpy for basic array oparations, [pyfftw]( for efficient FFTs and [mpi4py]( for MPI communications. However, if pyfftw is not found, then the slower numpy.fft is used instead. [cython]( is used to optimize a few routines. Install using regular python distutils:
python install --prefix="Path on the PYTHONPATH"
To install in place do:
python build_ext --inplace
To install using Anaconda, you may either compile it yourselves using (from the main directory):
conda config --add channels conda-forge conda build conf/conda conda install mpiFFT4py --use-local
or use precompiled binaries in the[conda-forge]( or the [spectralDNS]( channel on Anaconda cloud:
conda install -c conda-forge mpifft4py
conda config --add channels conda-forge conda install -c spectralDNS mpifft4py
There are binaries compiled for both OSX and linux, and several versions of Python. Note that the spectralDNS channel contains bleeding-edge versions of the Software, whereas conda-forge is more stable.
mpiFFT4py is developed by
- Mikael Mortensen
mpiFFT4py is licensed under the GNU GPL, version 3 or (at your option) any later version. mpiFFT4py is Copyright (2014-2016) by the authors.
The latest version of this software can be obtained from
Please report bugs and other issues through the issue tracker at: