This project is a RESTful API server which provides the backend for a simulated news service similar to Reddit, where users can read, vote and comment on news articles. It provides endpoints for various CRUD operations on a PostgreSQL database containing articles, comments, topics and users. The endpoint for articles allows for fitlering by topic and sorting by criteria such as author, date and title, as well as limits and pagination.
The server was built following Test Driven Development principles using the Jest testing suite. A public version, including a list of the available endpoints, can be found here:
(NB The server is hosted on a free service so it may take a minute or two to spin up due to inactivity.)
If you would like to use a local version of this project, follow the steps below. You will also need to have PostgreSQL installed locally.
The repository is at
Enter git clone
npm install
Create two .env
files in the root of the project folder, as follows:
Should contain: PGDATABASE=nc_news
Should contain: PGDATABASE=nc_news_test
First create the databases locally, using:
npm run setup-dbs
This will create two databases, nc_news
for development and nc_news_test
for testing.
To seed the development database, use: npm run seed
Enter npm run start
The server should now be running locally and can be accessed at localhost:9090/
A list of the available endpoints can then be found at localhost:9090/api
To run tests, use npm test
. This will run all current tests (using Jest and SuperTest), which automatically reseed the test database before each test.
The project uses the following dependencies:
cors: ^2.8.5
dotenv: ^16.0.0
express: ^4.18.2
pg: ^8.7.3
pg-format: ^1.0.4
And the following dev-dependencies:
husky: ^8.0.2
jest: ^27.5.1
jest-extended: ^2.0.0
jest-sorted: 1.0.14
supertest: 6.3.3