This project is created to build, run and test CoreOS. It's just for learning.
It's tested on Centos8, and Fedora32. Not recommend for Ubuntu Distribution since SELinux is used.
A demo of the start and destroy of a CoreOS VM can be found here: Demo section.
Container Runtime
: Podman or Dockerlibvirt
: Enforcing
- Virtualization Support
$ egrep '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo
If this command resuls in nothing printed, your system does not support the relevant virtualization extensions. You can still use QEMU/KVM, but the emulator will fall back to software virtualization, which is much slower. (--virt-type=qemu
- KVM kernel module To verify that the KVM kernel modules are properly loaded:
$ lsmod | grep kvm
If this command lists kvm_intel or kvm_amd, KVM is properly configured.
To start with the defaults, run the following:
$ make run
To start with customized variables:
$ NAME=vm-1 CPU=4 MEMORY=4096 DISK=2 IMAGE=/path/to/imgage YAML=/path/to/ignition.yaml make run
To Destroy:
$ make destroy
To build coreOS with defaults (
$ make cosa-build
To build custom coreOS
$ COSA_DIR=/path/to/working-dir CONFIG_REPO=<url> make cosa-build
To Clean up COSA working directory
$ make cosa-clean
Run make help
to see available commands.
Usage: make [TARGET ...]
check-cont-runt To check which container runtime is used
check-virt To check whether system has a CPU with virtualization support
clean Remove Ignition files
cosa-build CoreOS Assembler - Build coreos
cosa-clean CoreOS Assembler - Clean coreos confiuration directory
cosa-fetch CoreOS Assembler - Fetch metadata and packages
cosa-init CoreOS Assembler - Initialize configuration repo
cosa-run CoreOS Assembler - Run built coreos
destroy Destroy VM
download-fcos-iso Download Fedora CoreOS ISO image
download-fcos-pxe Download Fedora CoreOS PXE kernel
download-fcos-qcow2 Download Fedora CoreOS qcow2 image
fcos-qcow2-autologin Create Fedora CoreOS from qcow2 image - test autologin
fcos-qcow2-container Create Fedora CoreOS from qcow2 image - test create container
fcos-qcow2-service Create Fedora CoreOS from qcow2 image - test systemd service
help Show this help menu.
list List of Virtual Machines created by virsh-install
prerequisite Run check prerequisite
pull-all Pull all required images
pull-coreos-installer Pull coreor-installer image
pull-cosa Pull coreos-assembler image
pull-fcct Pull fcct (Fedora CoreOS Config Transpiler) image
pull-ignition Pull Ignition image
run Create and Run CoreOS VM
status Status of Virtual Machines created by virsh-install
validate-ign Verifying Ignition config format is valid
yml2ign Convert configuation YAML file to IGN file
[Note] To escape out of the serial console, press CTRL + ]
This is caused by the virtualization technology is being locked by another hypervisor (ex: VirtualBox). To solved this problem, we just turn off running VirtualBox instance or run virt-install
with option --virt-type=qemu
. If closing VirtualBox doesn't fix it, you can stop the driver service with sudo systemctl stop vboxdrv