sonobus 1.4.6
SonoBus 1.4.6 Release Notes
Added input reverb effects, which allow you to add reverb to your input channels that get sent out to others (and heard by you). Currently the reverb will only be sent to others when Send Stereo or Send Mono is selected (not Send Multichannel). Find the reverb send level for the input channel group in the FX button popup in the input mixer. The reverb parameters themselves are in the "In Reverb" button at the top of the input mixer.
Now the reverb buses (both input and output reverb bus) default to be at full level, while the default reverb sends for each channel are all the way down. So if you want reverb on your input (input or monitored), or on a connected user, you will need to turn up the reverb send from the FX (or M.FX).
Added accessibility support for blind or vision-impaired users on Mac and Windows. There are potential improvements planned for the future, but this is much better than the non-existent support before!