This is a project to use spotify.
Not much to it, really.
go to spotify (specifically) and click "create a client id".
Check the spotify scopes details to see what you want to do.
Quick example to get the currently playing track:
(load "path/to/lispotify.asd")
(ql:quickload :lispotify)
(defvar id "some-code") ;;redacted, use your id
(defvar secret "some-secret") ;;redacted, use your secret
(defvar redirect "http://localhost:5000/") ;;not redacted, cause it doesn't matter
(defvar scopes "user-read-playback-state user-read-currently-playing")
(lispotify:get-code) ;;opens a browser with xdg-open, you login and it redirects you to your redirect-uri with the code you need as the code query param.
;; Example: redirected to http://localhost:5000/?code=blahblahblahblah
;; copy blahblahblahblah
(defvar code "code") ;; copy paste it in
(defvar oauth-test (lispotify:make-spotify-oauth id secret redirect scopes code))
;; Get currently playing track example:
(lispotify:with-token oauth-test
(multiple-value-bind (body status headers uri stream)
(let ((auth (concatenate 'string
"Bearer "
(jsown:val (lispotify:token oauth-test) "access_token"))))
(dex:get ""
:headers `(("Authorization" . ,auth))))