Join me in a 30-day JavaScript coding challenge! We'll advance from basics like variables and operators to advanced topics like DOM manipulation, event handling, closures, recursion, and data structures, including linked lists, stacks, queues, and binary trees.
- Day 1 : Variables and Data Types
- Day 2 : Operators
- Day 3 : Control Structures
- Day 4 : Loops
- Day 5 : Functions
- Day 6 : Arrays
- Day 7 : Objects
- Day 8 : ES6+ Features
- Day 9 : DOM Manipulation
- Day 10 : Event Handling
- Day 11 : Promises and Async: Await
- Day 12 : Error Handling
- Day 13 : Modules
- Day 14: Classes
- Day 15: Closures
- Day 16: Recursion
- Day 17: Data Structures
- Day 18: Algorithm
- Day 19: Regular Expressions
- Day 20: LocalStorage and SessionStorage
- Day 21: LeetCode Easy
- Day 22: LeetCode Medium
- Day 23: LeetCode Hard
- Day 24: Project 1 : Weather App
- Day 25: Project 2 : Movie Search App
- Day 26: Project 3 : Chat Application
- Day 27: Project 4 : Task Management App
- Day 28: Project 5 : E-Commerce Website
- Day 29: Project 6 : Social Media Dashboard
- Day 30: Final : Social Media Dashboard with full features
This challenge is designed to help you master JavaScript through a series of daily tasks. Each day builds on the previous one, gradually increasing in complexity and depth.
To get started with the challenge, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd 30-Days-Javascript-Challenge
- Follow the instructions for each day's task found in the respective folder.
Special thanks to Hitesh Sir's chaiaurcode for the amazing course. Check out the YouTube channel for more great content.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.