- Choose dataset
- Load dataset and prepare it as a data structure
- Output info about data structure size (amount of samples, attributes, ..)
- Remove rows, containing empty values
- Convert categorical attributes to the binary ones
- Output first 5 rows
- Divide dataset on 2 samples (75/25), 75 - learning samples, 25 - testing samples
- Prepare the dataset and split it into test and learning samples
- Implement algorithm for generating decision tree (recommended one is "Iterative Dichotomiser")
- Train algorithm
- Output amount of leaves, depth, metrics
- Calculate and output tree accuracy
- Print tree
- Prepare the dataset and split it into test and learning samples
- Implement algorithm for logistic regression model training
- Train algorithm
- Output model properties (coefficients, free term)
- Calculate and output regression accuracy
- Prepare the dataset and split it into test and learning samples
- Implement algorithm for one layer perceptron training
- Train algorithm
- Output model properties (vector of coefficients weights, free term)
- Calculate and output regression accuracy
- Investigate how
value influences model performance. Display it.
- Prepare the dataset and split it into test and learning samples
- Implement algorithm for multi layer perceptron training
- Train algorithm
- Output model properties (vector of coefficients weights, free term)
- Calculate and output regression accuracy
- Investigate how
value influences model performance - Investigate how amount of hidden layers and amount of neurons in them impact performance
Lab 6. Multilayer Neural Network and Regression Tree for Regression Tasks
- Prepare the dataset “ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE” https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/ISTANBUL+STOCK+EXCHANGE
- Dataset contains observations of 9 stock indexes. Choose any of them as a dependent variable, other are going to be used as independent ones
- Calculate Pearson's correlation coefficients for each possible pair of variables.
- Implement algorithm for multi layer perceptron to solve regression task
- Implement algorithm for regression tree to solve regression task
- Train algorithms and calculate and output regression accuracy
- Output model's parameters. Weights and free term for MLNN and tree depth and amount of leaves for the Regression Tree
- Compare models