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Releases: sobri909/LocoKit

4.0.0 (the Sleep Mode release)

27 Nov 10:41
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  • Added a low power Sleep Mode. Read the useLowPowerSleepModeWhileStationary API
    docs for more details.
  • Added ability to disable dynamic desiredAccuracy adjustments. Read the
    dynamicallyAdjustDesiredAccuracy API docs for more details.
  • Added LocomotionManager settings for configuring which (if any) Core Motion features to make use of
    whilst recording.


  • startCoreLocation() has been renamed to startRecording() and now starts both Core Location
    and Core Motion recording (depending on your LocomotionManager settings). Additionally,
    stopCoreLocation() has been renamed to stopRecording(), and startCoreMotion() and
    stopCoreMotion() have been removed.
  • recordingCoreLocation and recordingCoreMotion have been removed, and replaced by
  • The locomotionSampleUpdated notification no longer includes a userInfo dict.


23 Nov 11:43
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  • Open sourced LocomotionManager and LocomotionSample.


  • Moved apiKey from LocomotionManager to ArcKitService. Note that this is a breaking
    change - you will need up update your code to set the API key in the new location.
  • Split the SDK into two separate frameworks. The ArcKit framework now contains only the open
    source portions, while the new ArcKitCore contains the binary framework. (Over time I will
    be open sourcing more code by migrating it from the binary framework to the source framework.)