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🚀 Continuous testing report generator written in Python

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conport is an Python tool for generating continuous regression testing reports. It supports both HTML report and email report. In each report, testing build trend, testing build metrics and test case summary are demonstrated. Both English report and Chinese report are supported. Check the demo as an example.


How to install

Use pip to install:

pip install conport

You can also clone the repo, and inside the directory, run:

python develop

note: when install conport, all denpendent libs specified in requirements.txt will be automatically installed. Due to the requirement of dependency matplotlib, you may need to install Linux library python-tk if necessary. In ubuntu, you can run command apt install python-tk to install it.

How to use

After install conport successfully, shell command conport will be avaiable.

Check version of conport:

conport --version

Get help of conport:

comport -h

Available arguments can be found from help command output:

usage: conport [-h] [--job_url JOB_URL] [--report_title REPORT_TITLE]
               [--past_hours PAST_HOURS] [--send_email SEND_EMAIL]
               [--mail_host MAIL_HOST] [--mail_user MAIL_USER]
               [--mail_pwd MAIL_PWD] [--sender SENDER] [--receivers RECEIVERS]
               [--receivers_cc RECEIVERS_CC] [--pure_html PURE_HTML]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --job_url JOB_URL     Jenkins job url
  --report_title REPORT_TITLE
                        continuous testing report title
  --past_hours PAST_HOURS
                        number of past hours to be monitored
  --send_email SEND_EMAIL
                        whether to send email or not
  --mail_host MAIL_HOST
                        email host
  --mail_user MAIL_USER
                        email user
  --mail_pwd MAIL_PWD   email password
  --sender SENDER       email sender
  --receivers RECEIVERS
                        email receivers, format is receiver1, receiver2, ...
  --receivers_cc RECEIVERS_CC
                        email receivers cc, format is receivercc1,
                        receivercc2, ...
  --pure_html PURE_HTML
                        pure html or not
  --report_lan REPORT_LAN
                        report langurage, english or chinese, default is
  --version             print version

The arguments, if not speficied, will be fetched from the default configuration file. Anyway, for your specific configuration, these arguments needs to be given.

note: parameter pure_html is needed because email cannot support HTML5 figure. In that case, conport create figure by using matplotlib and then embed that figure into email message with email.MIMEImage.


The following demo picture is created from command:

conport --job_url http://test-jenkins:8080/job/demo-job-conport --past_hours 8 --report_title "Here is regression testing report for demo usage of conport" --pure_html false --send_email true

You can obtain some key information from the picture:

  • Tetsing build trend
  • Testing build metrics
  • Test case summary, with a focus on failed cases statistics

English demo


Chinese demo(中文示例) demo

How to develop

First install tox with:

pip install tox

Run UT and coverage:

python -m pytest -vv -s --cov=conport --cov-report term --cov-report html

Run tox:

tox -e test

Local install and test:

python develop




This tool is developed by slxiao. You are welcome to raise any issues about the tool.