Entity Framework Core is a lightweight, extensible and cross-platform object-relational mapper (ORM) made by Microsoft. It is the official data access platform for Microsoft.
A curated list of awesome entity framework core libraries, packages, and documentation.
Suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Make sure to read the contribution guidelines for more information before submitting a pull request.
If you see a package here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!
- Entity Framework Core Docs - Official documentation for Entity Framework by Microsoft.
- Entity Framework Core Tutorial - Basic learning material for Entity Framework Core
- MicrosoftLearning/EntityFramework - Entity Framework and MVC MVA
- Entityframeworktutorial.net - Learn Entity Framework using simple yet practical examples on EntityFrameworkTutorial.net for free.
- Knowledge Base - Translated posts from Stack Overflow
- Riptutorial.com - Archived Stack Overflow Documentation (Multi-Language)
- Google - Up-and-coming search engine ;)
- Books
- Entity Framework Core Cookbook, 2nd Edition - Leverage the full potential of Entity Framework with this collection of powerful and easy-to-follow recipes
- Mastering Entity Framework Core 2.0 - Dive into entities, relationships, querying, performance optimization, and more, to learn efficient data-driven development
- Videos
- Pluralsight - This course helps those with experience in earlier versions of EF and EF Core, and developers completely new to Entity Framework.
- Channel 9 - Entity Framework Core 2.1: Simple, Powerful Data Access for .NET
- Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore - Improves Entity Framework Core performance with Bulk SaveChanges and Bulk Operations.
- Z.EntityFramework.Plus.EFCore - Improves Entity Framework performance and overcomes limitations with MUST-HAVE features.
- Audit.EntityFramework.Core - Audit.EntityFramework provides the infrastructure to log interactions with the EF DbContext.
- OpenIddict.EntityFrameworkCore - Easy-to-use OpenID Connect server for ASP.NET Core.
- LinqKit.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore - LINQKit is a free set of extensions for LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework power users.
- Pentagon.EntityFrameworkCore - Provides extended API for Entity Framework Core library, such as synchronization and unit of work pattern.
- MiniProfiler.EntityFrameworkCore - A simple but effective mini-profiler for .NET, Ruby, Go and Node.js.
- DotNetToolkit.Repository.EntityFrameworkCore - A toolkit for using the Repository pattern in C# .NET.
- Remote.Linq.EntityFrameworkCore - Simply LINQ your remote resources.
- Riganti.Utils.Infrastructure.EntityFrameworkCore - This library can be used as a foundation of a business layer in your application.
- CSLA-EntityFrameworkCore - A software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
- EntityFrameworkCore.BootKit - A quick start database connect library for using .NET EntityFrameworkCore.
- NeinLinq.EntityFrameworkCore - Provides helpful extensions for using LINQ providers such as Entity Framework.
- Nofy.EntityFrameworkCore - A very simple .NET Standard library to help you manage notifications inside your app.
- linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore - Bring power of Linq To DB to Entity Framework Core projects.
- Rocket.EntityFrameworkCore - RocketMod .NET Game Server Plugin Framework EntityFrameworkCore integration.
- Stove.EntityFrameworkCore - Domain Driven Design oriented application framework, meets CRUD needs.
- EntityFrameworkCore.Triggers -Adds events for entity inserting, inserted, updating, updated, deleting, and deleted.
- EntityFrameworkCore.TypedOriginalValues - Get typed access to the DbEntityEntry.OriginalValues property bag.
- ErikEJ.EntityFrameworkCore.DgmlBuilder -SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox extension for Visual Studio (and SSMS).
- EntityFrameworkCore.Diagrams - Visualize model created with EntityFramework Core.
- FlexLabs.Upsert - Brings UPSERT functionality to common database providers for Entity Framework in their respective native SQL syntax.
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.LazyLoading - Lazy Loading for EF Core.
- EntityFrameworkCore.PrimaryKey - Retrieve the primary key (including composite keys) from any entity as a dictionary.
- EntityFrameworkCore.CommonTools - Extensions, Auditing, Concurrency Checks, JSON properties and Transaction Logs for EntityFramework and EFCore.
- Moq.EntityFrameworkCore - This library helps you with mocking EntityFramework contexts.
- DelegateDecompiler.EntityFrameworkCore - A library which is able to decompile a delegate or a method body to its lambda representation.
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.AutoHistory - A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support automatically recording data changes history.
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DynamicLinq - A .NET Core / Standard port of the Microsoft assembly for the .Net 4.0 Dynamic language functionality.
- Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.Lolita.MySql - A light-weight extension which provides bulk update and delete operations for Entity Framework Core.
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.UnitOfWork - A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support repository, unit of work patterns, multiple database with distributed transaction supported, and MySQL multiple databases/tables sharding supported.
- Communist.EntityFrameworkCore - A set of libraries to help with development of service layers in your .NET Core apps.
- MassTransit.EntityFrameworkCore - Leverage message-based, loosely-coupled asynchronous communication for higher availability, reliability, and scalability.
- EfCore.Shaman - Fix some EntityFrameworkCore flaws.
- Filer.EntityFrameworkCore - A very simple .NET Standard library to help you manage documents inside your app.
- Snickler.EFCore - EFCore Extension that allows a means to map a stored procedure to a class, fluently.
- EntityFrameworkCore.Scaffolding.Handlebars - Scaffold EF Core models using Handlebars templates.
- EFCore.BulkExtensions - EntityFrameworkCore Bulk Extensions for Insert Update Delete and Read (CRUD) operations.
- ReflectionIT.Mvc.Paging - ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC Paging (including filtering and sorting) solution using Entity Framework Core 2.0 and IEnumerable.
- EFCore.DbContextFactory - Resolve easily your DbContext dependencies in a safe way injecting a factory instead of an instance itself.
- Cake.DotNetCoreEf - Cake (C# Make) is a cross platform build automation system.
- InfoCarrier.Core - EntityFrameworkCore provider for multitier applications.
- Configuration.EntityFramework - A custom configuration provider for the .NET Core Configuration system.
- MockQueryable.Core - Moking Entity Framework Core operations such ToListAsync, FirstOrDefaultAsync.
- EntityFrameworkCore.Testing.FakeItEasy - Simple EntityFrameworkCore testing library for FakeItEasy.
- Impatient.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer - A library that provides the infrastructure needed to build powerful LINQ query providers for SQL databases.
- EntityFrameworkCorePluralize - Adds Singlarization and Pluralization to Entity Framework Core.
- EntityFrameworkCore.MemoryJoin - Extension for EntityFramework for joins to in-memory data.
- REstate.Engine.Repositories.EntityFrameworkCore - Entity Framework Core repository for REstate Machines and Schematics.
- EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.DateDiff - SQL Server DATEDIFF function support for Entity Framework Core
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer - This database provider allows Entity Framework Core to be used with Microsoft SQL Server (including SQL Azure).The provider is maintained as part of the Entity Framework Core project.
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite - This database provider allows Entity Framework Core to be used with SQLite. The provider is maintained as part of the Entity Framework Core project.
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory - This database provider allows Entity Framework Core to be used with an in-memory database. The provider is maintained as part of the Entity Framework Core project.
- EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServerCompact40 - Entity Framework Core SQL Server Compact provider.
- Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql - Entity Framework Core provider for MySql built on top of mysql-net/MySqlConnector.
- MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore - MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore for Entity Framework.
- Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MyCat - Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MyCat is an Entity Framework Core provider and optimized for MyCat (An open source MySQL cluster proxy which based on Cobar).
- Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL - Entity Framework Core provider for PostgreSQL.
- EntityFrameworkCore.FirebirdSQL - FirebirdSQL database provider for Entity Framework Core..
- IBM.EntityFrameworkCore - Creating an Entity Data Model using IBM Data Server providers for Entity Framework Core.
- Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore - A commercial third-party provider for Oracle.
- Devart.Data.PostgreSql.EFCore - Entity Framework Core provider for PostgreSQL.
- Devart.Data.SQLite.EFCore - A commercial third-party provider for PostgreSql.
- Devart.Data.MySql.EFCore - A commercial third-party provider for MySql.
- FirebirdSql.EntityFrameworkCore.Firebird -The .NET Data provider is written in C# and provides a high-performance, native implementation of the Firebird API.
- EntityFrameworkCore.Jet - Entity Framework Core provider for Access database.
- SapientGuardian.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql - MySQL database provider for Entity Framework Core.