This project contains the Helm Chart and source code for both the client and server components of the SLATE platform. These components can be built independently, following the instructions below.
- For information on using the SLATE client see the client manual.
- A basic specification for the client-server API can be found in the resources directory.
- For information on local development and testing see Running the server tests.
- For information on deploying the SLATE API server via Helm see Deployment Steps.
- Boost
- Amazon AWS C++ SDK (see below for instructions on building and installing from source)
- yaml-cpp
- Google Test and GMock
- Google Benchmark
- protobuf
- nlohmann json
- OpenTelemetry C++ SDK note: you need to build this with the OTLP providers
Additionally, kubectl is needed at runtime by the server and by the client under some circumstances, and the server requires helm
This project also uses crow, RapidJSON, libcuckoo, and scrypt, but each of these dependencies is sufficiently lightweight that it is copied directly into this codebase.
The canonical build now occurs in a container defined here. The Dockerfile gives the exact steps needed to build a container that can be used to build the server code.
yum install -y gcc-c++ openssl-devel libcurl-devel zlib-devel epel-release cmake3
cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
EOF && \
yum install -y kubectl
Building the server additionally requires:
yum install -y boost-devel yaml-cpp-devel json-devel
yum install -y protobuf-devel protobuf-compiler gmock gmock-devel gtest gtest-devel
yum install -y google-benchmark google-benchmark-devel
RPMs do not appear to be available for this library, so it must be built from source. In a suitable location:
curl -LO && \
tar xzf 1.7.345.tar.gz && \
mkdir aws-sdk-cpp-1.7.345-build && \
cd aws-sdk-cpp-1.7.345-build && \
cmake ../aws-sdk-cpp-1.7.345 -DBUILD_ONLY="dynamodb;route53" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=Off && \
make && \
make install
Options for cmake
: whether the client will be built (default isTrue
: whether the server will be built (default isTrue
: whether the server test binaries will be built (default isTrue
); this option makes sense only when the server will be built.-DSTATIC_CLIENT=True
which builds the client as a static binary (defaults toFalse
); this option works correctly only on Alpine Linux (or a system with suitable static libraries available).
Running make
will generate the slate-client
or slate-service
executables, depending on the options selected.
In this project's directory:
mkdir -p build && \
cd build && \
cmake .. [options] && \