Horizontal Brute Forcing tool for OWA
Includes a flag for issuing a domain discover request. You can find the domain within the WWW-Authenticate header of a failed authentication attempt. You should also see 'NTLM' within the same header indicating that NTLM authentication is available.
Brute Forcing features:
- UN/PW Lists : Provide large number of usernames and passwords
- Horizontal attack : Attack will iterate off of password rather than username.
- Frequency tracking : Prevent account lockout by dictating minimum time between attempts (per user tracking). Default is 30 minutes. If lockout policy is > 3 attempts per 30 minutes, than set value to 10 minutes.
- Scramble User list : Avoids patterns in authentication by changing the username order during each iteration.
Tool has been lightly tested. Please let me know if you encounter issues.
Dependencies: pip3 install requests_ntlm