cocpp is a coroutine library based on modern C++ (c++20). Its main features are easy to use, good encapsulation, and low learning cost. If you can use std::thread, you can use cocpp.
The current environment requirements are:
- x86_64 architecture
- Linux operating system
- gcc supports C++20
The simplest demo:
#include "cocpp/cocpp.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
int main()
cocpp::co c1([]() {
return std::string("Hello ");
auto ret = c1.wait<std::string>();
printf("%s", (ret + "World!\n").c_str());
The current features supported by cocpp are as follows:
Free coroutine entry function
Any style of function can be used as the function signature, whether it has a return value, no return value, no parameters, one parameter, or multiple parameters, it can be used as the coroutine entry function.
Coroutine priority
The priority of the coroutine can be specified when the coroutine is created, and the priority can also be modified during the coroutine running process (priority 0~99, where 0 is the highest and 99 is the lowest, and the default priority of the created coroutine is 99). Coroutines with different priorities are scheduled first with high-priority coroutines, and coroutines with the same priority are polled and scheduled.
Multi-threaded load balancing
Coroutines can be migrated between different threads to achieve load balancing.
Dead loop forced scheduling
When the coroutine environment has not been scheduled for more than the set threshold, it will be forcibly scheduled from the outside.
System call timeout, reassign coroutine
When a coroutine is blocked due to a system call, the manager will migrate all other migratable coroutines on the current thread to other suitable execution environments.
Coroutine stealing
When the current thread is idle, it will try to steal coroutines from other execution environments to execute.
Coroutine synchronization tools
It has rich coroutine synchronization tools. Semaphore, binary semaphore, conditional variable, mutex, recursive lock, read-write lock, etc.
Channel for communication
Like Go, it has channels for coroutine communication.
Shared stack
Multiple coroutines can share a stack space to reduce memory usage (shared stack coroutines do not support migration).
Running environment binding
Coroutines can be bound to a certain running environment to prohibit migration, which is very useful in some scenarios, such as using thread-local storage.
Return value acquisition
The return value of the coroutine is very simple and easy to use.
Coroutine local storage
Convenient coroutine local storage, allowing each coroutine to have its own private data.
Support for parallel data processing mode with pipeline
#include "cocpp/cocpp.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cocpp;
using namespace std;
int main()
int source = 0;
auto ch = co_pipeline<int>([&source]() -> std::optional<int> { // Generate [0, 1000000) sequence
if (source < 1000000)
return source++;
return std::nullopt;
| pipeline::take(2000) // Take the first 2000 items
| pipeline::skip(1000) // Skip the first 1000 items (equivalent to taking [1000, 1999))
| pipeline::fork(10, [](int n) -> int { // Multiply each number by 2, 10 coroutines calculate at the same time
return n * 2;
| pipeline::filter([](int n) { return n % 3 == 0; }) // Filter out multiples of 3
| pipeline::reduce([](int n, int m) { return n + m; }, 0) // Sum
| pipeline::chan(); // Convert to channel
for (auto t : ch)
cout << t << endl;
This project uses xmake management, so building requires xmake installation, installation method:
- Through curl
bash <(curl -fsSL
- Through wget
bash <(wget -O -)
If you need to compile and run test cases, you need to rely on cmake.
git clone
If you need to compile and run the test program, you need to clone gtest and mockcpp as well. These two projects are submodules of cocpp and can be used directly with the following command:
git clone --recursive
Or if you have already cloned, you can use the following command to update the submodule in the source directory:
git submodule init
git submodule update
In the source directory, use the following command to compile cocpp:
xmake f --mode=release # Set the compilation mode to release, you can also set it to debug
xmake b cocpp # Compile cocpp
If you need to run the test case, you need to compile gtest and mockcpp first:
Then compile and run the test:
xmake f --mode=release # Set the compilation mode to release, you can also set it to debug
xmake b test # Compile and run cocpp
Use the following command to install to the /usr/local/ directory (requires root privileges):
xmake install cocpp
Or you can also specify the installation directory:
xmake install -o /install/path cocpp
The example used is in the example directory.
- E-mail : [email protected]
- QQ: 1513008876