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OpenShift Site Plugin Guide

This plugin for Openshift installs a tab in Projects -> < project name > to create and manage a Skupper Site.

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  • Openshift >= 4.15
  • Skupper CRDs (from V2) installed

Installing the Dynamic Plugin in Openshift

To install the dynamic plugin, follow these steps:

  • Authenticate with your cluster:, then run the following command in the directory containing your manifest.yaml file.

    kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml
  • Enable the plugin:

    kubectl patch cluster --patch '{ "spec": { "plugins": ["openshift-site-plugin"] } }' --type=merge

Alternatively you can view the list of the enabled plugins by navigating from Administration → Cluster Settings → Configuration → Console → Console plugins or on the Overview page.

Dynamic Plugin development

Steps to develop

  • Install the necessary modules:

    yarn install
  • Start the development server: Open a terminal and run:

    yarn start
  • Launch the console development environment: Open another terminal window and execute:

    yarn start-console
  • Access the plugin: Open your browser and go to localhost:9000. You will find the plugin tab under "Project" -> 'name of your Project'.

Customizing the Tab Name and Skupper References

This plugin allows you to customize the tab name and all references to "Skupper" within the plugin. This is achieved using the SKUPPER_NAME environment variable.

How to Customize:

  1. Set the SKUPPER_NAME environment variable:

    To modify the name, prefix your yarn start or image build command with SKUPPER_NAME=<desired name>

Building a Docker Image

The manifest.yaml file references a Docker image that contains the plugin. To build and push your own customized Docker image, use the following command:

SKUPPER_NAME=<desired tab name> ./

Environment Variables Used by

The script leverages several environment variables to configure the image build. Here's a breakdown of each variable:

  • PREFER_PODMAN: Specifies whether to prefer podman over docker for building the image.

    • Default: 0 (uses docker if available). Set to 1 to force the script to use podman if it's installed.
  • PUSH: Determines whether to automatically push the built image to the container registry.

    • Default: 0 (does not push the image). Set to 1 to push the image after building.
  • TAG: Defines the tag to apply to the Docker image.

    • Default: latest. You can use this to specify a version number (e.g., 1.0.0).
  • REGISTRY_ORG: Specifies the organization or username in the container registry where the image will be pushed (if PUSH is set to 1).

    • Default: skupper. Change this to your own registry organization.
  • SKUPPER_NAME: Sets the name of the tab within the plugin and updates all references to "Skupper" in the code. See the "Customizing the Tab Name and Skupper References" section for more details.

    • Default: "" (Empty String). If not provided, "Skupper" will be used as the default.


Web tool for managing the setup of a Skupper Network.







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